«35» rekindling old friendships

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Three soft knocks in succession on her door had Yaseerah barely suppressing an eye roll, as she’s inadvertently pulled from her thoughts.

Crossing the room in sure strides, she grinned, ready to deliver a firm rebuttal to her husband, as she unlocked the door.

“I told you I’m fine, you don’t need to check up on me every two seconds–,” Her words died in her throat, her smile freezing against her face, as she came face to face with four eager faces.


Yaseerah could only blink as she stared at the people she couldn’t be sure she could even call her friends, as they peered at her expectantly.

Her gaze moved from the trio–Zarah, Layla and Amira–and fell on Amina who stood on the side, looking guilty, before it settled on her husband who stood a few feet away, his hands stuck in the pocket of his slacks, looking uncertain when their gazes met.

Her initial annoyance melted away, replaced by a sense of warmth as she continued to gaze at him, remembering their conversation earlier, and the way he had held her up.

It took significant effort to look away from him, her lips lifting into a well-practiced smile, as she took in their bright smiles, and the excitement sparkling in their eyes, feeling a bit squeamish but not letting it show.

“What are you guys doing here?” she queried, her gaze on Zarah who stood slightly behind Layla and Amira, her expression more reserved but no less welcoming.

“It’s been a long time since we had a sleepover,” Zarah spoke softly, choosing her words carefully, as if afraid Yaseerah would turn them away. “So here we are and–”

“I know we haven’t been the best examples of what friends should be but we were hoping to change that today,” Layla spoke over Zarah. Her excitement was infectious yet her words carried a hint of uncertainty as she bounced on her feet nervously, clasping her hands behind her back to contain her emotions, as she stared down at her feet. “If you would have us?”

“Of course we will understand if it’s too much too soon because of what happened during the henna party.” Amira blew out a breath, her tone uncertain just like Layla’s, as she too stared down at her feet. “We’ve wanted to make amends ever since but we had no idea how, or if we even deserve your forgiveness. Fou’ad inviting us over today gave us the chance we’ve been hoping for.”

Yaseerah felt a lump lodge in her throat, her heart swelling with a mix of emotions, as her gaze once again found Fou’ad’s.

“Thank you,” she mouthed, earning a small smile from him. It made butterflies flutter in the pit of her stomach, as she felt a sense of belonging she hadn’t felt in a long time.

She had no idea she had missed her friends until now, this impromptu visit touching her more deeply than she cared to admit.

This was a small step, but it was a start–a chance to heal old wounds and rebuild what had been broken.

Fou’ad told himself to breathe, and not focus on the tingling sensations working their way through every nerve ending in his body at the sight of her smile, and the gratitude rolling off of her in waves.

“Anything for you,” he mouthed back, as he watched her embrace her friends, before he turned to leave, giving them the privacy he knew they needed, knowing that he had left her in safe hands.

Yaseerah wanted to call him back, to tell him that what she wanted in that moment was to spend time with him alone, not with her friends. But she recognized the need to mend the frail bridge that was the friendship between their group so she focused on them instead, not commenting on the fact that Nadia was the only person absent.

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