«22» heartbeats and heartbreaks

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Friday, July 5th 2023, the city of Abuja witnessed the nikkah of Fou’ad Muhammad Farraj and Yaseerah Abdul-Aziz Bako in the central mosque of the city.

The whole city buzzed with the anticipation of the wedding reception which marked the union of the two families in matrimonial bliss which had been slotted to take place at 4 pm promptly.

Fou’ad stood amidst the middle of the hall where the reception was to take place, meticulously rechecking his clipboard, ensuring that everything had gone exactly like he had envisioned it.

Despite his exhaustion, Fou’ad still surveyed the hall. As he took in the work JJ’s team had put in, hoping that every sleepless night and meticulous decision had been worth it.

He had spent the better half of the day going from one orphanage to the other, dropping sadaqa, and asking them to pray for him and his wife, seeking blessings and protection from Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala.

A soft cascade of fairy lights intricately woven into patterns of gold leaves bathed the hall in a warm, ethereal glow, casting enchanting shadows on the walls, and promising to immerse guests into a world of magic and wonder, as they celebrated the union of the two families.

Tables draped in royal purple satin cloths showcased intricate floral arrangements in interweaving blossoms and vines acting as the centerpieces of each table.

Chairs elegantly adorned in flowing fabrics of lavender, gold, and soft greens encircled the tables, each place setting boasting of golden utensils that added a flair of regality to the event.

Beneath each chair, a miniature box in the shape of Rapunzel’s tower, inscribed with the initials ‘F&Y,’ held an array of carefully arranged guest favors, strategically placed in anticipation of the celebration.

A life-sized replica of Rapunzel’s tower, transformed into a whimsical photo booth stood against one side of the room, adorned with trailing vines and twinkling lights, with faux lush landscapes and towering cliffs acting as a backdrop.

Suspended in the air, hidden from prying eyes, floating lanterns mirrored the iconic scene from the film, casting a warm, dreamlike glow that bathed the hall in a magical luminescence.

“Your sister’s on the phone,” JJ spoke, cutting into his thoughts, as she walked towards him, gently prying the clipboard from his grip.

Fou’ad shot a quick glance at JJ, his eyes silently pleading for rescue. “Tell her I’m not here,” he mouthed, as he held onto the clipboard.

“Your brother is stinking up my space,” JJ responded into the mouthpiece, as she glared at Fou’ad who still refused to relinquish his hold on the clipboard. “You’re on speaker too.”

“Traitor!” Fou’ad pouted, as he finally let go of the clipboard.

“Fou’ad Muhammad Farraj! You better get your ass back home right this instant! I have no idea what insanity made you leave the house but if you don’t...”

The phone hung up before Hayat finished her dialogue, but the threat was there and Fou’ad knew better than to contradict her.

“There’s nothing to worry about Fou’ad. If I didn’t know how nervous you were, I would have taken offense at your lack of confidence in my team and I,” JJ spoke, earning a wide-eyed look from him.

“You know I trust you, JJ. I just want everything to be flawless, I’m sorry for making you guys work overtime and for acting like a complete...”

“Brat? A bridezilla? A control freak?” JJ smirked, earning an eye roll from him.

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