«9» tea and temptation

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Yaseerah's closet was every young woman's dream wardrobe, consisting of evening gowns, custom couture, cocktail dresses, athleisure, luxe lingerie, statement pieces, abayas, lafayas and many more.

She'd always taken great pride in her clothes but today in this moment, there was nothing Yaseerah hated more than her wardrobe, because she had absolutely nothing to wear.

She leafed through her clothes, frustration bubbling within her, as she held a dove-gray abaya adorned with intricate silver embroidery against her body, admiring herself in the mirror, before she discarded it, thinking that it was too formal for a casual tea outing that wasn't a date.

She sighed, as she continued to peruse her outfits. Yaseerah just couldn't decide on what to wear for her date which she was going to be late for.

Not a date.

Just tea.

Tea date?

No, that doesn't sound right.

They were just having tea together, nothing more, nothing less. Why couldn't she stop thinking about it as something else?

Yaseerah continued to sift through her wardrobe, her frustration and anxiety growing with each outfit she discarded.

Evening gowns seemed too extravagant, cocktail dresses too flashy, and her athleisure attire felt far too casual for a tea date, even if it wasn't a date. Her once beloved collection now felt like an overwhelming sea of fabric and color.

She pulled out an indigo abaya, with silver-trimmed cuffs and a matching sash. She held it up in contemplative silence, before she hung it back in its place, thinking that it felt too casual.

Next, she pulled out a delicate lace top paired with a knee-length skirt that Aminah had gifted her. She held it up, contemplating the ensemble, but it felt too celebratory for a simple tea get-together. With another sigh, she hung it back in its place.

Next came a stylish, comfortable pantsuit which she tossed aside with a hint of exasperation, because it felt like business wear, and not something one wore for tea.

The minutes ticked by, and Yaseerah's anxiety intensified. She could feel her heart racing, the pressure of time weighing heavily on her shoulders. She glanced at the clock and realized she was already running late. Panic set in as she imagined her companion waiting impatiently at the tea shop, wondering if she was standing him up.

Yaseerah's frustration continued to mount as she sifted through her wardrobe, her heart racing with each outfit she dismissed. Unable to bear the mounting stress any longer, she finally flopped down onto her plush carpet, surrounded by the scattered remains of her wardrobe, tears welling up in her eyes.

What had started as a simple decision about what to wear had now turned into a full-blown crisis of confidence.

She buried her face in her hands, taking deep breaths in an attempt to regain her composure.

"It's just tea," she muttered to herself, trying to shake off the irrational anxiety that had gripped her. "Why am I making this so complicated?"

But deep down, she knew the answer. It wasn't just tea. It was the chance to connect with someone special, someone who had managed to disrupt her carefully curated world of obedience and composure. And she desperately wanted everything to be perfect.

As Yaseerah tried to regain her resolve and find something, anything, to wear, she couldn't help but wonder if her obsession with the perfect outfit was a reflection of her desire for this encounter to be more than just a casual tea date.

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