«11» lies we tell (I)

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Fulan: It was great spending time with you at the rink last night. Maybe we can do something low-key next time?

Yaseerah read the text for the second time, ensuring that she’d read it correctly.

Next time?

He was inviting her out again?

Was it crazy that she wanted to go out with him again?

Yaseerah: Always straight to the point, huh? No, sublety?

Fulan: Something tells me if I tried subtlety, we won't get far. So, what do you say? Movie and dinner after? Or we could do lunch then go to the cinema?

A chuckle escaped Yaseerah's lips as she read his reply. Her fingers danced across the keys as she typed her response, a playful smile on her face.

Yaseerah: Movie and dinner is what you call low-key?

Fulan: 🌚

Yaseerah: Sounds good.

Fulan: What do you want to watch?

Yaseerah: Hmm, how about we go for something action-packed?  Transformers: Rise of the Beasts?

Fulan: Amazing choice, Transformers it is! Autobots and Decepticons, here we come! 🤖💥

Yaseerah couldn't help the grin that bloomed across her face, as she typed back her response, excitement making her heart and stomach flutter with butterflies.

She wanted to see Fulan again, to feel the warmth of his smile and hear the soothing timbre of his voice. Was it foolish to hope for something more?

She pushed that thought aside for now.

Yaseerah: Perfect!

Fulan: Anything else you'd like to add to our not-so-low-key low-key date?

She blinked as she read his reply, biting her lip as she considered what her response would be. Should she acknowledge or not acknowledge the little slip-up, which she knew wasn't actually a slip-up.

For all the moments she’d known Fulan, she knew he didn’t do slipups. Everything he said, everything he did was always intentional which left her wondering if there wasn’t something about him that she was missing.

Yaseerah: So, it's a date now?

Fulan: It is whatever you want it to be 😌.

Yaseerah: Well, how about some tea after dinner?

Fulan: Chocolate dirty tea, got it! Anything else?

Yaseerah: No, that'd be all.

Fulan: It’s a date then. 5 today sounds good?

How stupid was it that her heart both fluttered and ached at the same time when she read the last message he sent to her?

After last night, she’d promised herself that she was going to let him go but it was easier said than done. Her heart ached with just the thought of the possibility of never speaking with him again. He’d open a world of possibilities for her, shown her what love could be and she just...she needed to experience more of it.

Maybe she was a glutton for punishment because she knew there was no way this wasn’t going to end without both of them getting hurt. But selfish as it was, she’ll cross that bridge when she got to it.

All she could do was live in the moment and enjoy her life to the fullest. Cherish these moments she got to share with him, before every ounce of happiness was sucked out of her.

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