Chapter 1: On The Set

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The bustling city of Seoul, South Korea, was a world away from the jumbled shores of the Philippines. Haraya "Raya" Perez had always dreamed of experiencing a life beyond the islands she called home. Little did she know that her dream was about to take a fascinating twist.

Raya had arrived in Seoul as an intern, eager to learn about the world of television production. She was excited and nervous, hoping to make a lasting impression during her internship. Her heart raced as she walked onto the set of a popular Korean reality show on her very first day.

The set was a beehive of activity. Crew members scurried around, preparing for the day's shoot. Raya, clutching her notepad and a cup of coffee, felt like a fish out of water. She was the only Filipino intern in a sea of Koreans, and the language barrier added an extra layer of uncertainty.

As Raya meandered through the maze of production equipment and people, she spotted a guy who seemed equally lost. He was tall, with an easy smile, and had a friendly demeanor about him. He saw her looking and smiled easily. "Hi there! Are you a new intern?"

"Yeah. Are you new here too?" Raya replied, happy someone was finally talking to her and not just giving tasks to complete.

He paused with a surprised expression, his eyes crinkling with amusement. "Oh, yes, I am. This is my first day at work here, too. I'm Song Rae Won," he replied in perfect English, extending a hand.

Raya shook it warmly, feeling relieved that she had found someone to talk to. "I'm Haraya, but you can call me Raya. Nice to meet you, Rae Won."

"You're an international student, right?" Rae Won inquired.
"Yes, from the Philippines," Raya answered.
"Do you speak Korean?"
"Dae, naneun hangugeoreul chogeum hal su isseoyo." She says in broken Korean, which roughly translates to yes, I speak very little Korean.
Song Rae Won smiled and gave encouragement, "Hal su isseoyo" he said. You can do it.
"Most people here seem to be aloof around me." Raya shared.
"They probably just don't know how to talk to you yet. I'm sure they'll warm up soon."

Raya found Rae Won to be incredibly down-to-earth and easy to talk to. It was a refreshing change from the formal interactions she had anticipated.

Their conversation was abruptly interrupted when a producer called out, "Song Rae Won, please step in front of the camera for the next scene."

Raya watched as Rae Won nodded, excusing himself from their conversation. It was only then that she noticed the flurry of activity surrounding him, the makeup artists fussing over his appearance and the crew members rushing to get everything ready.

As the camera started rolling, Raya realized her mistake. Rae Won wasn't just any intern; he was Song Rae Won, a rising actor in the Korean entertainment industry. Her face flushed with embarrassment as she tried to hide her mortification. She had just made small talk with a celebrity, thinking he was an intern like her.

Later that evening, the production crew gathered for a well-deserved staff dinner. Raya sat at a corner table, still feeling embarrassed about her earlier blunder. She couldn't help but steal glances at Rae Won , who was seated at another table with the other cast members. He looked at ease, laughing and chatting with his fellow actors.

As the night went on, Raya noticed Rae Won approaching the buffet table where she was standing. She braced herself for an awkward encounter, expecting him to remind her of her earlier mistake. But instead, he greeted her with a warm smile.

"Hey, Raya, right?" he said, filling his plate with Korean delicacies.

Raya nodded, her cheeks turning a shade of pink. "I'm so sorry about earlier. I had no idea who you were, and I just assumed..."

Rae Won interrupted her with a chuckle. "It's alright, Raya. No need to apologize. I get that a lot more often than you think, with my famous co-hosts here I'm practically a nobody."

Relieved by his response, Raya felt a weight lift off her shoulders. She smiled back at him. "Thanks for being so understanding."

They found an empty table to sit and eat together. As they enjoyed their meal, their conversation flowed effortlessly. Raya learned that Rae Won had visited the Philippines before and had fond memories of its beautiful beaches. They laughed about their shared love for good food and their respective cultures.

As the night wore on, Raya realized that she and Rae Won had more in common than she could have ever imagined. The thought of him being a celebrity and her being an ordinary person never crossed her mind until the night ended. 

Their chance encounter on the set had turned into the beginning of a unique friendship—one that would open doors to new experiences and adventures neither of them could have anticipated.

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