Chapter 8: Photographs

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When Raya awoke that Tuesday morning, the sun blazed brightly in the sky, casting an uplifting mood over her day. Determined to seize the moment, she decided to take a run along the serene Han River. With three hours to spare before her schedule at the studio, she felt invigorated, thanks to the lingering memory of her "moment" with Rae Won three nights ago.

Not even halfway through her intended route, a sharp buzz from her phone disrupted her pace. The temptation to ignore it gnawed at her, but the possibility of it being her mother urged her to slow to a walk. She retrieved her phone to find a call from Nam Yeong-Seok-nim, the producer of Starlight Escape. Her heart raced, baffled by the reason for the call.

"Hello?" she answered, her voice trembling.

"Hello, Perezu Raya-ssi?" came the voice on the other end, a distant memory from the internship orientation at the studio.

"Can you come into the studio this morning? We need to speak with you regarding an important matter," Nam Yeong-Seok requested.

"Of course, I'll be there," Raya replied. After obtaining the meeting details, she rushed back to her rented studio, her heart pulsating with a mix of curiosity and trepidation. What could this possibly be about? She wondered inwardly.

Butterflies churned in her stomach as Raya arrived at the KBN studio just before nine. A thousand thoughts raced through her mind, speculating why one of KBN's most successful producers wanted to meet her. She tried to convince herself that it might be a routine evaluation for interns. Yet, the question lingered: why did it have to be the show's producer? Wasn't that the Production Manager's role?

Upon reaching the designated office, Raya nearly lost her composure when the door swung open. To her astonishment, there was not only the show's producer but also six other individuals, including her Korean-Filipina internship supervisor, Kwon Min-Young. She wondered if she had missed a presentation schedule or forgotten some crucial task.

"Come in, Ms. Perez," Producer Nam Yeong-Seok instructed.

"Thanks," Raya replied, her voice tentative and unsure as she settled into an empty seat beside Ms. Kwon. As the room quieted, she recognized Rae Won's manager sitting across from her, accompanied by a distinguished woman with salt-and-pepper hair. It was Daepyonim Won Se-Ri, the CEO of Song Rae Won's talent agency, Sugar Entertainment. Raya's dread deepened. Why was the CEO here? She thought with growing apprehension.

"Ms. Perez, allow me to introduce the individuals in this room," began Producer Nam Yeong-Seok. Overwhelmed by the situation, Raya couldn't register most names except for Rae Won's manager, Song Ha-Neul, and of course, Daepyonim Won Se-Ri. Anxiety welled up as she met their expectant gazes.

"I'm sure you're wondering why we're here today, Ms. Perez," Producer Nam Yeong-Seok continued.

"Yes, I am," Raya replied, struggling to keep her voice steady. Am I in trouble? She wanted to ask but had learned that saying less often led to fewer mistakes.

"We're here because of these photos," Producer Nam stated, sliding a brown envelope toward Raya.

Raya's brow furrowed as she accepted the envelope. "Please open it," Producer Nam instructed.

Raya glanced around the room, everyone's eyes fixed on her. The tension was palpable. She hesitated before opening the envelope to reveal photos of herself and Rae Won at the hanok during the stormy night. The grainy images, taken from a distance but close enough to identify Song Rae Won, showed them sitting side by side on the numaru, making it appear as if they were intimately close. The next photo showed Rae Won's head tilted, and Raya's face obscured, creating a suspicious appearance of a kiss.

Raya's mouth went dry, and the room fell into a stifling silence. She looked at Song Ha-Neul, Rae Won's manager, who was the only one avoiding her gaze. She turned to Ms. Kwon, who offered a reassuring pat on her hand.

"I understand how this looks," Raya began, her words stumbling. She didn't know what to say or whether she needed legal representation. Was she on trial? "But it's-it's not what, this is not, we're not-"

"We understand how it looks, Ms. Perez," Daepyonim Won Se-Ri interjected. "That's why we're here."

Raya met the gaze of Won Se-Ri and Producer Nam, her eyes filled with questions.

"We won't ask if something is going on between you and Song Rae Won-ssi," Producer Nam Yeong-Seok clarified.

"There's nothing going on," Raya interjected firmly. "Nothing happened."

Won Se-Ri waved her bejeweled hand dismissively. "That's a conversation for another day," she said. "Ms. Perez, Song Rae Won has a contract with us, and while it's confidential, there are clauses regarding dating."

"We're not dating," Raya insisted.

"We understand that," Won Se-Ri continued, "but we're here to emphasize the gravity of the situation."

Confusion swirled within Raya. She looked to Ms. Kwon for guidance.

"We've resolved the immediate issue," Won Se-Ri continued, "but we can't guarantee that someone won't take another compromising photo in the future."

"You don't need to worry, Ma'am," Raya rushed to say. "I'll ensure no such opportunity arises again."

"And how are you planning to do that?" Won Se-Ri challenged.

"I won't be alone with Song Rae Won, and during shoots, there are always many people around. That night, we were stranded at the inn with cameramen and others. It wasn't just us. I promise not to go near him if that's what it takes." Raya said.

"We can't afford a scandal involving Song Rae Won," Won Se-Ri stated firmly. "Ms. Perez," she spoke again, "this may be a personal matter to you, but Song Rae Won is a public figure and bound by his contract. While you aren't accountable to Sugar Entertainment, he is."

"Where is he, then?" Raya asked, her annoyance simmering beneath the confusion and nerves.

"Excuse me?" Won Se-Ri inquired.

"Well, if he's the one accountable to you, why isn't he here?" Raya challenged. "He could clarify that nothing is going on between us, that the photo was taken at a bad angle by someone with malicious intentions. Nothing happened, we weren't even sitting that close together!"

"He doesn't need to be here," Won Se-Ri replied. "He's a busy man; that's why he sent me and Mr. Song."

Song Rae Won had sent his manager and the CEO of his agency? Raya was in utter disbelief.

"We're here to discuss your transfer to another studio for your internship, Ms. Perez," Producer Nam Yeong-Seok announced.

"I'm sorry, what?" Raya's head spun as she turned to Producer Nam and Ms. Kwon.

"Ms. Perez," said Ms. Kwon, "I understand this is not ideal, but it's for the best. We want to protect your internship and scholarship as much as Song Rae Won's reputation."

Raya's mouth hung open, utterly at a loss for words.

Producer Nam continued, "Sugar Entertainment has come to help us explain to you just how serious this situation is. We assure you that your internship and scholarship will be supported, no matter which studio you're transferred to."

"We appreciate your cooperation and your understanding in this matter." Won Se-Ri added, "The person who took the photos has agreed not to release them or create further copies, but we cannot guarantee they won't attempt something similar in the future. All it takes is one compromising photo to jeopardize everything Song Rae Won has worked for."

The next hour passed in a blur of paperwork and form-filling, and then Raya was sent home.

Hours later, standing alone at the train station, Raya felt drained and overwhelmed by the morning's events. How had this happened? Those photos were clearly taken with malice. But among all the emotions swirling within her, the fact that Song Rae Won had sent the CEO of his agency instead of coming himself stung the most. They were all safeguarding his burgeoning career, but her internship and dreams were significant too. There was nothing between them, yet he hadn't even bothered to meet with her, to explain his side, or to be present and deny any wrongdoing. She had never felt more humiliated and insignificant.

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