Chapter 6: Rain Check

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The next shooting day cast a somber mood over Raya, mirroring the gloomy weather that hung in the air. They found themselves back at the same location where she and Ji-Eun had spotted Song Rae Won and Koo Young-ah emerging from a camping car. Despite Rae Won's manager's reassurances, Raya couldn't shake the nagging feeling that there was more to the story. After all, why would Rae Won, a rising actor, and Young-ah, a popular influencer, risk their careers for nothing?

Raya did her best to focus on her tasks, which were as demanding as ever, working on a variety show with all the games, rules, props, and preparations required.

The shoot began with the team briefing the cast on the rules. This time, it was an individual game, and Raya found herself assigned to Rae Won team, accompanied by two cameramen, a writer, and herself, ready to assist the production assistant, Ji-Eun, with anything as they would be constantly on the move.

The game's mission was to be the first player to find the camping van using only a map (no GPS) to secure one out of the three sleeping spots inside the van for the night.

Rae Won took the driver's seat with the cameramen in the first van, while Raya and Ji-Eun remained in the second van with the writer, Si-Woo. Just as they set off, raindrops began to fall. After a few minutes of driving in heavy rain, they can barely see the taillights of Rae Won's van let alone the other hosts and staff of the production team.

Raya's van watched the monitor while Rae Won dialed up the other members as he continued to navigate the unfamiliar terrain, the map their only guide as part of the mission.

Rae Won sounded a bit lost on the phone as he called the other members. Only three out of the other five answered. "Hey, guys, where are you? Are you having any luck with this map?"

The other member, La Vie (a screen name of course), can be heard frustrated over the phone, "I have no idea, hyung. This map is like a puzzle with missing pieces. I'm doubting every turn I take."

Jung Min replied on another end, "Yeah, I thought I was heading in the right direction, but now I'm not so sure. This place all looks the same!"

Rae Won chuckled, "Don't worry, we're all in the same boat here. I'm not exactly feeling like a master navigator either."

Yun Jung, the oldest in the group doubtfully sounds unconfident on the phone. He's probably bluffing. He's a great driver and navigator and surely he's just trying to sabotage the other members. "This challenge is seriously testing my confidence. I'm not great at driving in bad weather."

"You know I don't trust any of you guys when it comes to missions." Rae Won teased, "But please be careful in this weather and I'll see you at the camping van." Then continued bantering for a few minutes more before they said bye and hung up.

As they continued their drive, the storm intensified. A sudden thunderclap rattled the van, followed by a brilliant bolt of lightning that momentarily painted the dark skies in stark contrast.

Rae Won, his concern etched on his face, turned to the cameraman seated beside him. "I have to admit, I'm not confident about driving in this weather."

After a brief discussion, they reached a unanimous decision: they would pull over and wait inside the van until the relentless rain and thunderstorm had passed.

Back in Raya's van, the situation mirrored Rae Won's concerns. The team was becoming increasingly aware of the treacherous weather conditions, with both crews sharing the same sentiment.

Rae Won glanced around at the weary faces of his fellow crew members and then addressed the team, worry creasing his brow. "Guys, considering the current weather, do you think it's wise to continue navigating these roads? Perhaps it's safer to find shelter and wait for the storm to pass."

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