Chapter 5: Location Hunt

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Under the warm, coastal sun, Ji-Eun and Raya roamed the charming village near Seoul, their eyes scanning the picturesque surroundings for the perfect shooting locations for their Starlight Escape episode.

Ji-Eun, excitedly nudged Raya, "I think we've stumbled upon a hidden gem of a village here. The views are stunning, and I've heard they have some amazing seafood spots."

Raya nodded, "You're right, this place is truly enchanting. And the seafood is a must for the show. PD-nim will approve."

As they wandered, Raya couldn't help but snap photos of the beautiful coastal scenery. However, her excitement waned when she noticed a familiar figure in the most secluded part of the oceanfront. She froze as Song Rae Won emerged from a camping car, closely followed by Koo Young-ah.

Ji-Eun noticed the change in Raya's demeanor and asked with concern, "What's wrong?"

Raya, her eyes still fixed on the unexpected duo, replied hesitantly, "Look over there. I might be wrong but.."

As Raya and Ji-Eun observed from their discreet vantage point, there was no mistaking the tall physique, broad shoulders, and fair skin of Song Rae Won. His presence in that picturesque coastal setting felt like a scene from a romantic drama, which only added to Raya's mixed emotions.

Ji-Eun's eyes widened in disbelief as she followed Raya's gaze and spotted Song Rae Won and Koo Young-ah.

Ji-Eun whispered, "Is that...Song Rae Won and Koo Young-ah?"

"Yeah, it is. What are they doing here?" Raya answered back.

Ji-Eun thoughtfully said, "We should keep this private. If people see them together, it could cause unnecessary rumors." Ji-Eun inquired cautiously. "Should we consider informing Song Ha-Neul, his manager?"

Raya hesitated, her brows furrowing. "I'm not entirely certain. It could potentially put him in a difficult situation."

Ji-Eun countered, "On the other hand, if we don't, there's a chance that people might spot them and gather here."

Raya nodded, concern etched on her face. "And there might be lurking paparazzi somewhere nearby."

Ji-Eun fished out her phone from her pocket. "I think we should inform Song Ha-Neul," she decided.

Ji-Eun quickly sent a message to Rae Won's manager, expressing her concern and asking if they should leave the area.

Raya and Ji-Eun anxiously waited for his reply which came quickly.

"What did he say?" Raya asked leaning over when Ji-Eun's phone buzzed.

Ji-Eun looked at the message, Song Ha-Neul said not to worry. "Rae Won and Young-ah are there with friends, just a casual outing, nothing more" Came the reply.

Raya forced a smile, but the pang in her heart was undeniable. Ji-Eun noticed her friend's distress and asked gently, "Are you okay?"

Raya forced a light tone. "Of course."

But deep down, she couldn't help but wonder why she felt so hurt seeing Rae Won and Young-ah together.

She consoled herself by recalling a similar feeling when Kim Woo Bin and Shin Min-Ah's relationship was first confirmed. Even though she was just a devoted fan, she had felt a sense of betrayal back then. Perhaps what she was experiencing now was similar, she thought.

She tried to focus on their mission of finding the best spots to shoot for Starlight Escape, but the sight of Rae Won and Koo Young-ah lingered in her mind, casting a shadow over her thoughts.

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