Chapter 11: Project Video Greetings

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Raya's first task with Rae Won was to tail him to the grand Binge anniversary party, a star-studded event with all the top Binge endorsers in attendance. This shindig was also the moment for Song Rae Won's official introduction to the entire company, only the higher-ups were aware of his connection with the brand until then.

At the conference, Raya's role was crystal clear. One camera was designated to capture the overall event, while another discreetly zeroed in on Rae Won. The third camera demanded her personal attention, as she had to navigate the gathering, coaxing "Happy Anniversary, Binge" messages from the visiting celebs. This seemingly simple task, however, often proved to be a delicate dance, as some celebrities weren't exactly amiable about such requests. Raya dreaded this aspect of her job, loathing the very idea of coaxing greetings from the stars. The prospect of facing Song Rae Won up close was also unsettling, considering she had spent the past two years trying to erase him from her mind.

Raya stood on the sidelines of the bustling ballroom, patiently biding her time until Chrissa Valencia, the renowned Filipina fashion icon, finished her conversation with a cluster of businesswomen. Raya's aim was to approach Chrissa for a video greeting, marking her umpteenth attempt of the evening. So far, she has only managed to secure lackluster "Happy Anniversary" snippets from B-list personalities. If Chrissa obliged, she would be the first A-lister to grant Raya's request, if luck was on her side.

Just as Chrissa excused herself from the group, Raya hastened over, her voice filled with a hopeful tone, "Hi Ms. Chrissa, I'm Raya. I'm part of the Binge Marketing Team. Could I request you to say 'Happy Anniversary, Binge' to the camera over there?"

"Maybe later," Chrissa coolly dismissed her, causing Raya's spirits to plummet. The wave of humiliation threatened to engulf her as she considered walking away. Yet, as she turned, she sensed the weight of everyone's gaze on her. Concern raced through her mind, wondering if she had somehow said something inappropriate in her frustration. But then, she was startled by the unmistakable, commanding presence of Song Rae Won at her side.

His entrance was nothing short of magnetic, a thick atmosphere of intrigue echoed in the air. The room seemed to bow to his presence, a hush falling over the crowd as he towered beside her, radiating an aura that could only be described as breathtaking.

"I heard you're the one to find to say my anniversary greetings for Binge on video?" His deep voice still managed to stir up knots in Raya's stomach. Despite her best efforts, her heart fluttered uncontrollably at his presence, leaving her momentarily breathless.

Following Song Rae Won's heartfelt greeting, a stream of other celebrities began to gather around Raya, eager for their turn to offer their well-wishes to Binge for its anniversary. It was as if Rae Won's presence had cast a spell over the room, drawing in every notable figure in its wake. Raya couldn't help but be astounded by the sheer pull and influence that Song Rae Won wielded, as it seemed to effortlessly captivate the attention of all those around him. Including her.

Seated in the van with Rae Won, Raya braced herself for the final leg of the night, which involved trailing him to his residence and capturing his reflections on the event.

"I was genuinely moved by the launch event. I never anticipated that so many Filipinos knew about me or were familiar with my work in Korea. It was nothing short of incredible. I'm even more enthusiastic about working on the entire campaign now," Rae Won shared, his voice resonating with a mix of surprise and enthusiasm. "Thank you, Binge!" He said straight to the camera that Raya, looking at the monitor, had her heart caught in her throat.

"Cut," Raya said after a moment, a sense of relief evident in her voice. "Thanks for that. We're all set for the night." The cameraman started turning off the camera and Raya packed her stuff into a huge tote bag, preparing to get off.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2023 ⏰

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