Chapter 2: Props Service

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As the days passed by on the set of "Starlight Escape," Raya and Song Rae Won's friendship blossomed. Their interactions during shoots, which occurred two days a week, gradually grew more comfortable. Rae Won was not just a talented actor whose popularity is quickly rising; he was also a genuinely friendly and down-to-earth person.

Raya still couldn't believe her luck. Her initial embarrassment at not recognizing Rae Won had turned into a shared joke between them. Rae Won was impressed by her honesty and humility, and Raya was drawn to his warmth and sense of humor.

Between takes, they'd find themselves exchanging jokes, or sharing stories of their respective journeys to the entertainment industry. Rae Won spoke of his early struggles, while Raya shared her dreams and aspirations from her homeland, the Philippines. These moments became a cherished escape from their demanding shoot days.

But not everyone was as delighted about their budding friendship. Some of the interns, plagued by their own insecurities, began to perceive Raya as arrogant. They couldn't fathom why the charming Song Rae Won would befriend an intern like her but not them. Jealousy festered, and they decided to take matters into their own hands.

One fateful day, as the crew prepared for the next shoot, Raya was approached by a group of interns. They wore fake smiles and pretended to assign her a task.

"Raya, could you do us a favor?" one of them asked sweetly.

Raya, thrilled that the other interns seem to already be warming up to her and eager to make a good impression, nodded. "Of course, what do you need?"

"We just need you to grab something from the props service," another intern replied, handing her a small flashlight. "It's just a quick task. You'll be back in no time."

Unsuspecting Raya took the flashlight and headed towards the props service. As she entered the dark, cold, and dimly lit truck, the door slammed shut behind her with a resounding thud. Panic washed over her as she realized she was trapped inside.

Outside, on the bustling set, the production manager, Ms. Lee, had been frantically searching for Raya. She checked her watch and muttered, "No call, no show... This is unacceptable."

Her assistant, Ji-eun, approached with a concerned expression. "Ms. Lee, do you think something might have happened to Raya? She's usually here early."

Ms. Lee's frustration was evident as she replied, "I don't know, Ji-eun, but we can't afford to delay the shoot. We'll have to manage without her for now, but I'll deal with this later."

Back in the props service, Raya was growing increasingly anxious. She tried to call for help, but her phone had no signal in the metallic confines of the truck. As she scanned the dimly lit interior, she couldn't help but feel betrayed by her fellow interns.

"What's going on?" Raya muttered to herself. "How did I end up in here?"

Just as despair began to set in, a familiar voice called out her name from outside. It was Rae Won, his voice filled with worry and determination. "Raya, are you in there?"

Relief washed over her, and she replied, "Rae Won, is that you? I'm in here! Please help me!"

With renewed hope, Rae Won worked tirelessly to unlock the door and free her from her unexpected confinement.

It was only by chance that Rae Won overheard the interns giggling and boasting about their cruel prank. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Without a second thought, he rushed to the props service, his heart pounding with worry for his newfound friend.

As the door swung open and the cold air rushed in, Raya stepped out, her eyes filled with confusion and hurt but Rae Won's expression of relief reassured her that she was not alone in this world of bright lights and hidden shadows.

Their friendship had just taken a leap of faith, deepening the bond between the unlikely pair.

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