Chapter 4: Rooftop

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Raya's tiny studio apartment had never felt cozier. She had spent the morning cleaning and organizing, turning it into a tidy sanctuary where she could relax on her precious days off from her internship at one of Korea's biggest TV stations. The soft glow of her laptop illuminated the room as she settled into her comfortable armchair, ready to unwind.

After browsing through various options, Raya decided to watch Koo Young-ah's latest beauty vlog. As she observed Young-ah's radiant smile and flawless makeup, a pang of jealousy crept into her heart. She scolded herself for allowing such negative emotions to surface.

"What am I doing?" Raya whispered to herself. She knew it was dangerous to compare herself to someone like Koo Young-ah, a beauty icon with a massive following. Why was she even going down this path? Had she convinced herself that Song Rae Won's kindness to her had underlying motives?

Raya shook her head, determined to snap out of her delusions. Just then, the doorbell rang, interrupting her internal monologue. It must be Ji-Eun, she thought and hurried to answer the door.

"Hey there!" Raya greeted her friend with a warm hug as she stepped inside. They had planned to spend the evening together, indulging in some soju and samgyupsal.

Ji-Eun, always the cheerful one, smiled and returned the hug. "I can't believe it's already getting cold," she remarked, shaking off her jacket. "But I'm excited for tonight."

They settled down on Raya's apartment building rooftop, the city lights creating a mesmerizing backdrop. Bottles of soju and plates of marinated pork belly awaited them. As the night progressed, they savored the sizzling sounds of the barbecue and their laughter filled the air.

Amidst bites of delicious food and sips of soju, they delved into more personal conversations, getting to know each other better.

Ji-Eun said after a while. A little serious now, perhaps because of the two bottles of soju they've downed. "I've been working so hard since graduation because I'm the breadwinner for my family. I earned a scholarship to one of Seoul's top universities, and it's been non-stop since then. It's only recently I've let myself let loose and have fun like this.

Raya nodded, said "Wow, Ji-Eun, that's impressive and explains a lot. You've been juggling so much, but you've never let it show. It's only right you treat yourself from time to time.

"Thanks," Ji-Eun smiled, "It hasn't been easy, but I'm determined to make my family proud." Then after a short pause, "So, how about you? How are you finding Seoul?"

Raya smiled, "Well, Seoul has been quite an adventure. I admit, I used to get homesick a lot, but ever since we became friends, it's been easier. You've made me feel more at home here."

Ji-Eun grinned at that, "That's what friends are for, right? I'm glad I could help. Our bond means a lot to me too, Raya."

As they continued to chat and enjoy their meal, the warmth of their friendship grew stronger, making the evening on the rooftop even more memorable.

Then, Ji-Eun's tone turned more serious. "Raya," she began, "I need to talk to you about Song Rae Won. He's a good guy, but you have to be careful."

Raya furrowed her brow, puzzled. "What do you mean, Ji-Eun?"

Ji-Eun leaned in, her voice low. "No matter how friendly he seems, and I'm not saying he's not, but I'm sorry to say it probably won't amount to anything more."

Raya pretended not to understand, but inside, she knew what Ji-Eun was implying. Her heart ached as she admitted, albeit hesitantly, "I know...I just..Okay fine! I have a crush on him."

Ji-Eun sighed, her eyes filled with sympathy. "I figured as much, Raya. But you have to understand, there are forces at play here that you can't control. His agency, for one, and Young-ah."

Raya couldn't deny the truth in Ji-Eun's words. She knew there was nothing special between her and Song Rae Won, and yet, she had let herself hope otherwise.

Ji-Eun reached out and patted her hand. "I'm not saying this to hurt you, Raya. I just want you to be prepared for what might happen."

Raya managed a weak smile. "I appreciate your honesty, Ji-Eun. But it's really just a silly crush. Maybe we can even call it fangirling?"

Ji-Eun grinned, trying to lighten the mood. "Well, let's make a pact then. You find me a suitable boyfriend, and I'll support your little crush as long as it stays just that – a crush."

They both chuckled, teasing each other, as the night continued to unfold on Raya's rooftop. The friendship between these two young women, each with their own dreams and struggles, grew stronger with each passing moment, and they knew they could rely on each other no matter what challenges lay ahead.

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