Chapter 7: Stranded

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Under the soft, dim glow of a traditional Korean lantern, Ji-Eun's voice filled the room. "PD-nim emphasized that safety should be our top priority," she announced to the group. "The shoot is postponed for now. The road leading to the base camp is flooded, and we've been advised to stay put or seek shelter for the night."

Rae Won, his gaze locked on Ji-Eun, couldn't help but worry for the other teams. "Is everyone okay?" he inquired, genuine concern etched in his voice.

Ji-Eun's eyes met Rae Won, "PD-nim assured us that everyone at the base camp is in contact and safe. However, those on the road are urged to find a secure place for the night."

"I think this place might be like a homestay bed-and-breakfast," she said. "I noticed a sign outside that mentioned available rooms."

Ji-Eun gestured for Raya to join her. Together, they approached the auntie at the counter. With hope in their eyes, they inquired about the available rooms. To their delight, there was one room left, and they were assured it would comfortably accommodate them all. Ji-Eun spoke decisively, "We'll take it."

With their belongings in tow, they followed the kindly auntie to their temporary haven for the night. It was a traditional Korean bedroom. No beds, but six plush futons were laid out meticulously along the side of the room. It was cozy.

Ji-Eun and Raya claimed a spot in the corner, the farthest from the sliding doors. Song Rae Won, ever the gentleman, spread out his futon a few spaces away, inviting Si-Woo to join him. The two cameramen, Seok-Son and Yu-Jin, found their places nearby, completing the arrangement.

Raya, feeling a tinge of self-consciousness, laid down on her futon, mindful of her proximity to Rae Won. The room was spacious, and the thought of inadvertently moving closer to him during the night played on her mind. Luckily, she was not known to be a restless sleeper.

Exhaustion washed over Raya as she nestled herself onto the futon, eliciting a soft, contented sigh from her lips.

Ji-Eun playfully nudged her and whispered with a mischievous grin, "You're not even dating yet, and you're already sharing a room."

A playful slap landed on Ji-Eun's arm as Raya giggled softly, "Stop it!"

Ji-Eun's laughter danced in the air. "Isn't this wonderful, though? It's like a charming school sleepover with the campus crush."

Raya couldn't help but join in the laughter. "You're going to make me blush."

The two friends giggled like lovestruck schoolgirls, cocooned under their cozy blankets. "I'm so happy for you, chinggu," Ji-Eun whispered.

Raya, still giggling, pleaded, "Stop it, or I won't be able to calm down. What am I going to do tomorrow? I have to wake up looking pretty."

Their laughter bubbled through, making it increasingly difficult to stifle.

Si-Woo, observing their high spirits, remarked with a teasing grin, "You girls are in remarkably giddy despite being stranded."

Ji-Eun replied playfully. "You know me; I always try to make the best out of every situation."

Si-Woo's smile lit up his face. "That's what I adore about you."

The room erupted in a chorus of playful "oohhhhs."

Rae Won, seizing the moment, couldn't resist teasing. "Woah, is there something going on between you two?"

Ji-Eun quickly deflected with a laugh. "Nothing! Now, go to sleep, Si-Woo."

Si-Woo, fueled by the playful banter, took the opportunity to add. "Sweet dreams, my Ji-Eun."

Raya couldn't help but squeal in delight, and the teasing continued until the room eventually settled into an easy silence, and soon it was filled with light snoring and peaceful breathing.

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