♥️ I am a Selfish Friend ♥️

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- I am a selfish friend
(Song by me)

I see you drowning
In the bottomless sea
With the giant waves towering
As your hand is reaching out to me

I want to help you
But I cannot swim
Yet this role reversal is new
As my misery ends, yours begins

I cannot lose you, you are all I have left
All these years, I cannot waste
You helped me, when I felt depressed
Still, for not helping, I feel two faced

Rescuers are arriving
Still I feel you fading
The sea level is rising
Under the pressure, I am breaking
They must do a bad job
Saving you, because you still cry non stop
In the merciless water, you are caught

If you die next, then what will I do?
I already lost them, I cannot lose you too
If so, I might take off my shoes
Please, remember, that I love you

Please stay, please survive this fight
Please win, I know you are strong
I feel so useless, with this sight
For not helping you, I am in the wrong

I call out your name
Rarely, I hear your voice
You scream, as I watch in shame
My incompetence is not my choice

I am of no help, if I drown as well
I tried to calm you and failed
I need support, who should I tell?
The rescue ships already sailed

Do not give up, please
To me and everyone, you matter
A better friend would save you with ease
On the ground, my memories lay scattered

Nothing lasts forever
Please, let that not come true
I want us to stay together
Pathetic, that I cannot rescue
I reach out, my advices cannot aid
You need me as moral support
That is, how you can get saved
You need my comfort
But if I step foot into the ocean
Then I will drown yet again
In fear, I stay frozen
How did you help me back then?
What can I do in the present?

[Written in: 12/09/2023]

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