Alone Again...

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3rd P.O.V

New York... Home to thousands of people, both good and bad. For a long time, crime has been at an all time high and it became too much for the police to handle alone. Every day, people were being robbed, kidnapped or murdered for the smallest of things. Until a masked saviour had appeared out of seemingly nowhere. A woman dressed in a black and white suit who could shoot webs from her wrists and stick to nearly any surface. Nobody knew who this mystery woman was. Instead, the name the public had given her was Ghost Spider. And it was a name she gladly accepted as people began to look up to her and praised her for her deeds. Of course, there were the few that were skeptical of her. Especially since she was a masked superhero. 

What many people didn't know is that Ghost Spider was a simple teenage girl with short blonde hair and blue eyes. Her name was Gwen Stacy, daughter of a police officer by the name of George Stacy. Growing up, Gwen didn't have many friends. In fact, ever since she was 8-9 years old, she had only ever had two friends. A nerdy boy by the name of Peter Parker and another boy who was... a lot stranger. His name was Mutasim Lycan, a boy with black hair which had slowly turned white throughout the years and a crystal blue eye. He always concealed his right eye for unknown reasons. 

But... While the trio should have been happy, their number was reduced to a duo. Jealous, fed up with being bullied and overcome with ambition, Peter Parker had stolen a vial of a strange serum. Upon drinking it, he had transformed into an over-sized lizard which was out of control. Not knowing who the lizard was, Gwen ended up crushing the Lizard under a pile of rubble. The damage was so severe it reverted Peter back to human form, making Gwen realise she had just fought her friend. 

Peter died soon after and Gwen's own father, believed that she was to blame for his death. But he didn't know the truth about Gwen being Ghost Spider. So it weighed heavily on her mind and heart. All the times she had to hear things like "Ghost Spider killed a poor student" infuriated her and upset her. All Gwen wanted was time alone to grieve. For the past month or so, she would lock herself away in her room. But that was only if she was lucky, which she wasn't. Despite the loss of one of her best friends and crush, she still had to play the role of hero, saving everyone else. 

But by doing everything she was doing, she had neglected her only other friend that was still alive, Mutasim Lycan. 

And speaking of Mutasim... 

The young man could be seen sat down on a bench in a park, looking at his phone. On his phone, there were numerus messages on it, attempts of him trying to reach Gwen so they could talk. Peter was able to figure out Gwen was Ghost Spider and told Mutasim, which only made the youth worry even more about her. The only time he had heard or seen her was when she was playing the role of Ghost Spider. 

Gwen's father was able to contact Mutasim and invited him to come visit, but Gwen was "always out". So it meant Mutasim often spent a lot of time talking with Gwen's dad, George. Talking to the officer helped Mutasim grieve his first ever friend's death, but he couldn't truly move on. 

The boy let out a quiet sigh as he sent his message of the day to Gwen, asking if they could talk. But if he was honest with himself, he wasn't holding out much hope to speak with her. She made no attempt to contact him which hurt a little, but he knew how much Peter meant to her. 

Leaning back against the bench, Mutasim looked up at the dark night sky. He always went out for a night time walk, something about it just seemed so much more peaceful compared to daytime. 

Mutasim: What do I do...? 

He didn't realise it, but a tear fell down his face as he thought back to the last time he even saw Gwen's face. The last time they had seen each other, he remembered seeing how excited she was to go to prom with Peter. While he had a crush on Gwen, he never dared interfere with her and Peter's relationship. He was happy for them. And it tore him apart to see their future ripped away from them. 

Mutasim: Everything's just so... fucked. 

He muttered under his breath as he sat up straight, standing up immediately after. Putting his phone away in his jean pocket, he began to make his way out of the park and went back home with no issues. However, he was unaware that he was being watched from the rooftops. A certain black and white suited figure was perched atop a roof, looking down at him. The figure had a soft and almost depressed expression. Sighing, the figure left the rooftops and swung across the buildings, returning home. 

It didn't take long for Mutasim to return home, perhaps five or so minutes. Upon entering his home, he immediately made his way up to his room, shutting the door behind him. It was a small room with only a single bed, a single window, a desk and a wardrobe. Scattered on the desk were various papers with different images and writing. 

Exhausted, Mutasim stripped down to a white vest and black shorts, jumping into his bed. Before going to sleep, he looked out the window, seeing few lights still on in the city. 

Mutasim: Goodnight Gwen... 

He turned away from the window, facing the wall as he fell asleep. Or at least tried to. Nearly every night, he would be haunted by strange dreams. Dreams that never made sense. There was one of him... with some sort of goo attached to him. And there was another where he was seen as a woman? Or at least someone that looked like him as a woman. Then again, these dreams never made sense, so he didn't try to think too much of them...

But why did they feel so real at the same time? 

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