Power Of A Ghoul

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3rd P.O.V

While Gwen and the other Spider-people made the new "goober" that would shut down the collider, the killer was able to track the Spider people down to Aunt May's house. The man is perched atop a house opposite May's home. His gaze is stuck on the decorations mourning Peter Parker. Clenching his fists, his left eye transforms from its normal crystal blue to an ominous black and red. 

???: Gwen... Of course you'd slink back to your boyfriend... 

Before he can make his move, he notices a younger boy sprinting to May's house before barging through the front door. The man stands up, revealing his new outfit. A black trench coat that stretches down to his feet and his mask which conceals the right side of his face. Despite the door being closed, he could hear all the Spider people talking and that the boy who had just ran in was panicking. 

Right when the Ghoul believed it was the perfect time to strike, he noticed a few others making their move towards the house. A low growl leaves his lips as he recognises them. Doc Ock, Tombstone, Scorpion and Kingpin. 

???: What a load of shit... So long as they don't attack Gwen, I'm happy. She's mine. 

He watches the villains begin to make their move before Doc Ock blasts a tentacle through the front door. The man clicks his index finger on the right hand as he watches and listens closely. Before long, the Spider people and Kingpin's goons begin to fight each other. The killer clicks another finger as he drops down onto the street, approaching the house. 

Once he steps foot on the porch, he thrusts his tendrils into the house and tears it apart, making the building collapse. Both Spider people and Kingpin's goons escape just in time along with Aunt May, bringing the battle to the street. Everyone's gaze fell onto the man in the trench coat, their eyes widening. 

???: I couldn't care less about most of you. The only one I'm here for... 

He turns to face Gwen, recognising her by her suit, and points at her. 

???: Is her. 

Gwen glares fiercely at the masked man and clenches her fists tightly, readying herself even more so. The man notices this and smirks under his mask. He raises his left hand up and snaps his index finger, thrusting all four of his tendrils at her at the same time. Relying on her Spider sense, she was able to dodge all four tendrils and shot a web at the man, pulling herself towards him with her foot stretched out in kicking formation. Reading her movement, the man grabbed her foot and slammed her down on the ground, making her grunt in pain as the road cracked from the impact. 

Peter: Oh boy. That's a problem...

Doc Ock attempted to intervene, hoping to kill Gwen, but the masked man stopped her, grabbing her tentacle. 

???: You weren't listening. I said, she's mine. 

The man thrusts two of his tendrils into Doc Ock's hip and chest, making her scream and bleed heavily. Tombstone turned his attention from the Spider people to the Ghoul, firing his guns at him. To everyone's, except Peni's, surprise, the bullets did nothing to him. Using Doc Ock, the killer throws her at Tombstone, knocking him down. 

In an attempt to sneak attack the killer, Scorpion leapt from behind and tried to swing his stinger into the man. Not even glancing at the mutant, the masked killer grabbed the stinger just a moment before it could stab him. In one tug, he tore off the stinger and stabbed Scorpion with it in the heart, making him gasp for air and life. 

???: Is that the best you've got? 

Scorpion: Tú... Diablo...

The man brings his free hand to Scorpion's neck, crushing his windpipe and ending his life in an instant. He then tosses the corpse to the pavement and turns to face Gwen. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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