Masked Killer

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3rd P.O.V

A great deal of time has passed since Mutasim's disappearance and Gwen felt more distressed than ever. Not only did she lose one friend permanently, her only other friend was gone, missing. Both police and Gwen had been searching tirelessly for him, but the police had put in less effort when they discovered his room. When Gwen first saw her friend's room, she could scarcely believe the absolute disaster the scenery was left in. Blood splattered all over the room, claws etched into the walls, all the furniture was destroyed beyond repair... It was like something wild attacked and killed him. But Gwen couldn't accept that. She would never accept her second friend's death. 

Even now, as she swings through the city, her thoughts are full of wonders about Mutasim and where he could possibly be. Though it didn't help when she occasionally found the news talking about Mutasim's "death". She did her best to ignore it, but doubts had begun to crawl into her head. 

Before she's able to shoot another web out, she's disrupted by a terrified scream which makes her Spider sense tingle. Changing course, she swings towards the source of the scream, finding herself in a nearby alleyway. By the time she arrived, however, she was too late. When she arrived, she came face to face with a woman's body hung by her neck with her own intestines with clear bite marks over her neck and chest. The sight made Gwen nauseous and freeze in place. 

Gwen: W-W-What...? 

Her body quivers in fear of the horrendous sight. Not once had she ever encountered anything as vile as this. Judging from the body still swinging, she was hung like this recently. And from the shadows, an ominous black and red eye glowed. In one sudden movement, four giant tendrils of a kind shot out from the darkness. Thanks to her Spider-sense, Gwen was able to react fast enough and dodge them just in time by back flipping out of the alley. 

Hiding her fury and fear behind her mask, Gwen blasts webs at the mystery figure, hoping to contain them. However, the efforts are in vain as the tendrils slice through the webs before they can even land on them. 

???: Pitiful display...

The voice is male and young, and somehow familiar to Gwen. But how, she can't recall. Emerging from the shadows, was a young man, around her age with white and black hair split down in the middle in two halves. His face couldn't be seen due to a black mask, with the exception of his right eye which just barely revealed an eerie black and red eye with cracks surrounding it. White hair hung over the man's right half of his face, allowing him only to see through thin strands. Blood soaked the man's black trench coat and mask along with some parts of his hair. Raising his right hand, he brushes aside his fringe, his eye glowing more ominously. 

???: The famous Ghost Spider... New York's very own protector and hero. You don't exactly have the greatest track record, do you? 

He says while fixing his left hand glove, pulling it further down. 

Gwen: You... What are you supposed to be?! Some kind of cannibal?!

???: Heh... I'm so much more than just a "cannibal". 

The tendrils emerging from his lower back aim directly at Gwen, their tips sharpening as they ready themselves to kill. 

???: I'm more of a... exterminator. Ridding New York of pests and insects. And my personal favourite, false heroes like yourself. 

Gwen: I'm not false. 

She raises her fists, ready to fight. In one swift move, she leaps towards the masked man and tries to land a kick on him. He raises his hand and grabs her foot, halting her in mid air. With a smirk under his mask, he flips her backwards away from him, making her land on her feet. Using two of his black tendrils, he slams down on Gwen, but she jumps to the side just in time. However, this doesn't stop a sneaky third tendril from jamming itself into Gwen's hip, making her scream. Before it can do anymore damage, she grabs the tendril and pulls it out of her. 

???: You've become sloppy. Though that's no secret. 

Grunting, Gwen holds her injured hip and backs away from the killer. Retracting his tendrils, the man walks towards Gwen, his fists clenched tightly. Upon getting in arms reach of her, he swings his right fist, prompting the heroine to duck and retaliate with a kick to his hip. To her surprise, the man doesn't even flinch! Instead, he grabs onto Gwen's leg and breaks it by slamming his elbow on her knee, making her scream louder than before. He then shoves her back, making her land on the floor. 

She whimpers and groans as she holds her broken limb, looking up at the stranger with wide and fear-filled eyes. The man towers over her and lifts her up by her neck, lifting her off the ground. Panicking, she tries to break free from his grip by flailing her arms down on his arm to break his hold over her. But it fails miserably. 

???: This is your best? I highly doubt that. You're still holding back. You wanna take me down, forget your moral code. I'm not human. 

His crimson eye glows in rage as his grip tightens around the woman's neck. Using her free leg, Gwen is able to kick the man away, knocking him backwards towards the alley. She lands on the ground with a thud and a grunt. With the distance made, Gwen raises her arms skyward and shoots webs at the rooftops, pulling herself up and away from the maniacal cannibal. 

Once she reached the top, she whimpers in pain and does her best to try and fix her leg, or at least position it back in the right place. In an attempt to do so, she webs her broken leg into place like a cast. Despite the burning pain, she pushes herself up to her one and well leg, hopping away and then jumping off to swing through the city. 

Meanwhile, the masked man had continued his massacre, breaking into people's homes and apartments and feasting on them. He spared none. Old, young, men, women, it didn't matter. Because in the end, they were all only one thing to him...


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