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3rd P.O.V

???: The procedure went perfectly! Now, all that's left is for him to slowly give in to his new urges. But I must admit, he is a... remarkable specimen. All the others died horrid deaths. But not him. 

???: Its been too long... He should've broken by now! 

???: Perhaps its time to... "escalate" our methods... 

A blinding bright light illuminated a giant circular room. The walls were a dark green colour and the floor was patterned much like a chess board with black and white squares. However, there was one thing completely out of place. Right in the centre of the massive room, a young man was restrained in a chair. His black clothes were all torn apart with dried blood coating them, making the clothes even darker somehow. Various scars were also visible through the rips and tears in his ruined clothes. Large and small cuts, some were stitched over, some weren't and so on. 

The boy hung his head low as his body was slumped forward, as if he had fallen asleep, or had passed out. The silence of the room was deafening. Until, a door swung open, slamming against the wall. Due to the sudden bang of the door, the imprisoned boy's eyes shot open wide, making him look up at the door. His eyes held a small glimmer of hope, only for them to be immediately dashed when he recognised the burly figure that approached him. 

The burly figure was a large man with a clean and formal white suit. He had wild and sharp brown eyes and a head of pale blond hair which was brushed backwards. But covering his entire face was a hockey mask, only adding to the terror factor of the giant. The boy trembled with fear. 

Man: Impressive. You're still kicking. And not yet broken. You might be my favourite toy just yet. 

Boy: W...What... do you want from me? 

Man: You know what. We want Ghost Spider's true identity. We know you know her. And we all know she's not coming to save you. 

Boy: ...

Man: Its been how long now... Let me see... We brought you here around... 3 months ago now, right? And she's been busy with everything else. Here. 

The man pulled out his phone and showed the imprisoned boy a video of the news. It displayed Ghost Spider swinging around the city, fighting crime as usual. Except this was yesterday. And she didn't seem bothered at all by anything. Even the audio showed her still making witty remarks and jokes. But the boy just shook his head. 

Boy: That... That doesn't mean she won't come for me... She... She'll save me... She... She will... 

Man: You poor and pitiful runt. 

The man backhanded the boy, making him spit blood out onto the floor. 

Man: She doesn't care about you. All "heroes" are in it for themselves. Think about it. Ghost Spider killed that Parker boy, didn't she? 

Boy: ... Shut... up... 

The man smiled and pulled a tray next to him with all sorts of tools used for both engineering and surgery. Except they all had old and dried blood on them. 

Man: Then let's not waste anymore time. Let's begin with your... "treatment". 

He picked up pliers and began to tear out the boy's nails, making him shriek in agony. As the boy shrieked, the man smiled in a sick form of pleasure. 

This was the boy's hell or rather his "treatment" over the past three months. And it would go on for much longer... 

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