Chaos in Alchemax

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3rd P.O.V

A week had passed since both Gwen and the killer appeared in this new version of New York. And news had spread far and wide that Spider-man, was dead. Killed in an "accident". It was also confirmed that Spider-man's identity was none other, than Peter Parker. Gwen was devastated by hearing her friend dying once more and her concern for Mutasim, whom she had almost forgotten amongst all the drama, rose up once more. 

Ever since they had arrived, they had begun to... "glitch". Their bodies shifting and changing in a random and sudden burst, causing immense pain. They both knew that if this continued, it would eventually lead to their deaths. Despite not meeting ever since entering this new world, they both had the same idea to find and breach Alchemax, to find a way to return to their own world. 

Right now, Gwen was disguised in a white lab coat and glasses. Her hairstyle had also changed, though that was out of her power. A confused and worried boy had gotten his hand stuck in her hair and there was no other option but to cut her hair. Now, she had a buzzcut on the right side of her hair. 

The halls of Alchemax were dead silent as she wandered around, searching for the head's computer. Her goal was to find the computer, find the schematics for whatever device it was that brought her here, retrieve it and then download the data on a USB so she could find the device and change it to make her return to her home. But it sounded much easier in theory than it would be in practice. 

As soon as Gwen turns the corner, the entire building shakes. She keeps herself stuck to the floor and looks around, her Spider sense tingling in a state of panic. Upon feeling it, she knew exactly who and what it was. Gritting her teeth, she throws her lab coat off, revealing her hero suit. She quickly puts her mask and hood on and springs to action, trying to find out where he is. 

Gwen didn't have to look long as the masked figure broke through a wall in front of her and into another room. Not wasting a beat, she followed after him. The masked killer simply kept running through the walls, his tendrils hanging forward to break through the walls in his way. Alarms rang throughout the facility and scientists began to arm themselves, firing at the duo. 

Not taking it lightly, the masked man began to slaughter the scientists, shredding them apart with his tendrils. Gwen was fast enough to dodge his tendrils and drop-kicked him in the face, sending him flying back into a wall. His back hits the wall and he growls at her, his left eye glowing a fierce red. 

???: You're really getting on my nerves now! 

Gwen: That's the point. I won't let you kill anymore people! 

???: You mean like the way you killed Peter Parker? 

Gwen clenches her fists and she lunges at the masked man. He charges towards her and swipes his tendrils at her which she dodges by leaping onto the ceiling. She then tackles him down and webs his tendrils down to the ground. Roaring in a fit of anger, she begins to punch the man in his face. 

Gwen: All the people you killed...! I never stopped counting! 

She throws one more punch at his face, making the back of his head strike the ground hard enough to crack the floor. 

???: Neither did I. 

Gwen reels her fist back again and throws a punch, but the killer grabs it and squeezes, nearly breaking her knuckle. She screams in pain and with her free hand, she grabs his neck and begins to squeeze. The killer manages to kick her off him and the tendrils break free as he stands up. Before he can make a move, he glitches, sending waves of excruciating pain course through his body and he falls to his knees, panting heavily once its over and his tendrils retract. 

There's no Betrayal Like Heartbreak (Male OC x Spider-Gwen)Where stories live. Discover now