A New World To Devour/Save

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3rd P.O.V

After being dragged through a strange portal, the mystery man and Gwen were blasted out of something into the sky. The duo scream as they separate, landing in completely different areas. Gwen manages to stick her landing onto a rooftop in the city, while the masked man lands through a glass ceiling, dropping into a pool party. The crowd of people around him scream and clamber out of the pool to avoid the falling shards of glass. The black attire boy swam upwards and took a deep breath of air, shaking his head. 

???: I never want to do that again. 

He swims to the edge of the pool and climbs out, sighing and clicking his neck. A stranger approaches him, ready to ask if the man was okay. However, the strangers was immediately torn into pieces by the killer's tendrils. A demented grin spreads across the killer's face as he begins his slaughter, killing any and everyone he can find in the party. By the end of it, he rests in the pool of blood, chewing on a dismembered arm. 

As he eats his victims and rests, he thinks about his situation. Not only did he find himself somewhere new, but Gwen was also with him somewhere in the city. And now, with Otto Octavius out of the way, the killer was free to roam and do as he pleased. Despite his constant eating of his victims, he still isn't satisfied, making him growl in annoyance. 

???: Son of a bitch... 

He emerges from the pool of blood and walks to the window, seeing that he was in New York, but it was different. In what regard, he couldn't quite figure it out. Curious, he breaks through the window and leaps from building to building, eager to explore this new version of New York. 

Meanwhile, Gwen searches her own surroundings, looking at a nearby building with different news and adverts. To her surprise, she sees a very familiar figure wearing a blue and red suit which holds a great deal of similarity to her. 

Gwen: What the...? Is that another Spider person? 

She asks out loud. Confusion fills her mind as she tries to wrap her head around the possibility of two Spider people. Eager to learn more, she begins to traverse the city with her webs, hoping to find out more about this new world. However, before she gets anywhere, her spider sense tingles, instructing her on what to do. But it didn't make any sense to the heroine. Why would her spider sense tell her to go to some academy? Was there something important that she needed to see? Or could it be that's where the killer landed? 

Groaning, Gwen swings through the city in an attempt to clear her own thoughts, unaware that the killer is doing more or less the same. 

It wouldn't be long until they meet again and under more shocking circumstances...

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