Triple Threat

908 44 1

3rd P.O.V

The news spread like wildfire. Over 270 people were killed and devoured by a masked killer. It took the city by surprise to see all the footage of this one lone figure, slaughtering people like a wild animal and it raised concerns regarding Ghost Spider's ability to protect the people. When Gwen learned of the mystery man's slaughter, she was horrified and knew she couldn't rest any longer. Her leg was feeling much better than before and even if the risk of hurting herself was high, she had to take it. 

Unknown to her, she'd be able to pinpoint the location of the masked killer very soon. 

In a giant building, a man wearing goggles, a large trench coat and donning four giant metal tendrils, grabbed the same masked man by the neck and tossed him at a wall. This was Doctor Otto Octavius, or Doctor Octopus, or Doc Ock for short. And he was furious. 

Doc Ock: You imbecile...! What part of "low profile" did you not get?! Now the entirety of New York knows about you! 

The figure just laughs maniacally, breaking free from the Doctor's tendrils. Blasting out of his back were four giant black tendrils of his own, except they were made entirely of flesh. 

???: That's an error on your part, "doctor". You made me feel this endless hunger. And now I just want to eat. And eat. And eat! I've never had an octopus before, especially one with metal tentacles. 

Doc Ock: You're sick... 

???: No... I'm cured! 

He thrusts his tendrils forward, forcing Doc Ock to retreat. The mad doctor tries to pin down the mystery figure's tendrils, but it's no use as they retract just in time. Laughing, the man leaps forward and tackles the doctor out of the building, making them plummet downwards. Grinning, the man punches the doctor in the face three times before being stopped by a metal tentacle grabbing his wrist. The masked man halts his descent by using his tendrils to latch onto the building's side and kicks Doc Ock back inside. 

The duo crash into an office area, making the rest of the workers scream and run in panic. Immediately the mystery figure's nose is overwhelmed with the intoxicating smell and sounds of people's flesh and even their heartbeats. Unable to restrain himself, he lunges at an elderly woman and tears her throat out with his teeth. Blood spurts all over the floor and man as he devours her. 

To his surprise, Doc Ock interrupts him and slams him out of the building, making him plummet down the building. However there was no concern from the killer as he grips onto the building with his tendrils, looking up at the broken glass. 

???: And here I thought the doctor would've been more appreciative of having a constantly hungry pet. Oh well... He'll be just another head to tear off. 

Waiting for the right moment, he prepares to shoot himself upward as a slingshot. And fortunately for him, Doc Ock sticks his head out of the window, prompting him to shoot himself up and grab the doctor's head, dragging him along the exterior of the building before throwing him up above the roof. Before the doctor can recover, he uses his black tendrils to grab Doc Ock and slam him down on the roof. A deranged laugh leaves the masked killer's lips. 

???: Gotcha good! 

Groaning, the doctor stands back up and thrusts all his tentacles forward. The mystery man counters by thrusting his own forward, clashing against Doc Ock's. The doctor struggles to overwhelm him, but it's pointless and the man tosses the doctor off the roof. With a smile, he tackles the doctor and keeps his metal tentacles restrained. 

???: You're nothing without your little extra hands! 

Doc Ock: Let go of me you freak! 

???: You made me! You should be proud of me! 

He punches the doctor in the face, cutting his cheek deep. To the masked man's surprise, Doc Ock jams a needle into his neck, making him let go. He lets out a scream as the needle is pulled out. Just barely, he manages to grab onto the ledge of the roof while the doctor lands hard on the rooftop, rolling across it. 

Groaning, the masked man begins to feel weak. His vision distorts and his body begins to grow numb. He quickly pulls himself up and takes deep breaths, focusing on recovering. 

???: Shit... What... What did you...?

Doc Ock: Do you think I didn't have a back-up for when you went rogue?! Just one more shot and it'll poison you, killing you for good. And then I can start over again. 

For the first time in ages, the masked man feels sense return to him as his tendrils retreat into his body. 

???: W-What have I...? Y-You... You BASTARD! You turned me into a freak! All those people... I-I... 

He lifts himself up to his knees and holds his head, struggling to deal with the memories of his murders as he relapsed into sanity. But it was a fleeting moment. Already, he could feel the bloodlust rise again. Right before Doc Ock could jam another needle into him, a web came out of nowhere and he was met with a kick to the face, knocking him away. It was Ghost Spider! 

Gwen: Doc Ock and the cannibal?! Oh great... 

Doc Ock: This doesn't concern you Ghost Spider! 

Gwen: Oh it does. 

She sees the needle on the ground next to the masked man. She moves to pick it up, but it's destroyed by the masked man who slams his fist down on it. His tendrils emerge from his back and he swipes Gwen away. 

???: Nobody is taking this away from me! 

Doc Ock: I almost had him, Ghost Spider! If you had just stayed out of this, I could have killed him and stopped him! 

???: Oh please... I'm your greatest achievement! You don't get to stop me! 

Gwen pushes herself up to her feet and readies herself to fight both villains. The trio stand in a triangle formation, preparing to counter whoever makes the first move. After a moment of silence, Doc Ock thrusts his two of his metal arms at the masked man and another two at Gwen. To his dismay, they both avoid them and target the doctor. Gwen throws a gut punch at the doctor while the masked man uppercuts him and then kicks him away. He then moves to swipe at Gwen with one tendril, but she backs away just in time. She shoots webs at his tendrils, forcing them to stick together. With the tendrils all stuck together, she moves to strike him, but the man grabs her fist and kicks her back. 

Doc Ock recovers and slams his metal arms down on the masked man, pinning him down. Roaring in rage, he breaks free and tears off the metal arm from the scientist, making him scream in agony. Using the torn off appendage, he swings it at Gwen, knocking her off the roof. With Gwen out of the picture, the masked man turns to the doctor and grabs him by the neck, lifting him off the ground. 

???: About time I killed you. 

He reels his free fist back, ready to tear into the doctor's chest. But Gwen intervenes once more, shooting her webs at his reeled fist, halting him from landing the killing blow. Doc Ock uses this chance to use his remaining metal arms to blast the man away, forcing him to let go. Gwen then rushes the killer, tackling him onto the ground. She reels her fist back, but to everyone's surprise, a strange portal of some sort opens up above her. 

Gwen: What the...?

The portal sucks Gwen in, but she keeps her grip on the killer, trying to keep herself from being sucked into the portal and trying to keep the man from escaping. However, due to her tight grip on him, the both of them are sucked into the portal. 

Upon being dragged into the mystery portal, it closes, leaving behind a confused Doctor Octopus. 

Little did Gwen and the mystery man realise, they would become part of something much larger...

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