Another Spider?

830 38 0

3rd P.O.V

While Gwen took a more subtle approach to this new world, the same couldn't be said for the masked man. He did his best to control his hunger and with these attempts, regained small portions of his sanity. He had spent most of his time scouting this new world, comparing this New York to the one he came from. And the biggest difference he found, was this world's "Spider-man". Not only was the title different, but everything else was changed. The suit was red and blue, the masked hero was male and appeared to be much older than Ghost Spider. However, he had never fought this hero. Not yet. 

Right now, the sun shone brightly on the city and the masked man was perched atop the Empire State Building. He looks down at the city, resisting the urge to kill and devour all. He sniffs the air, doing his best to pinpoint Spider-man's scent so he can find and interrogate him about what brought him here. And, of course, to try and get a lead on where Gwen vanished off to. He still had an old score to settle with the white suited heroine. 

Taking a deep whiff of the air, the masked man's eyes widen, his left eye turning an eerie black and red colour as he catches the smell of something human, and yet not. He leaps off the top of the Empire State and free falls down. Four enormous tendrils blast out of his lower back and he uses them to swing through the city. People from below notice the masked man and murmur amongst themselves, wondering who and what he is. 

After some time, the man hears sirens wailing, making him turn to his left. Followed by the sirens was a speeding vehicle with a man firing at the police cars behind him. Sighing, he drops down onto the car and stabs his tendrils into the road, forcing the car to halt. With the car stopped, he tears off the roof of the car and grabs the driver out of the seat, lifting him up. 

Criminal: Go on! Do your worst! You heroes don't kill! 

Unable to hold back the intoxicating smell of human flesh, the masked man opens his mouth wide before tearing into the criminal's neck, making them scream in agony. Blood spurts all over the killer's body and face as he tears a chunk of flesh out of the now-dead criminal. He drops the body onto the car and swallows the flesh he had eaten. Disturbing him was the sound of guns cocking. The police had set their sights on him now. 

Police: Put your hands behind your head! Now! 

Grinning, the man does as he's instructed, but thrusts his tendrils forward, impaling the two officers right through their chests. He lifts them high up before slamming them down on their car. 

???: Too easy. 

He jumps up, ready to continue traversing the city but he's kicked in the back by something, sending him forward, flying into another car which he bounces off of. Grunting, he picks himself up and looks at the source of the attack, seeing the new Spider-man. 

Spider-man: What are you supposed to be? The new Doc Ock? You've definitely got an upgrade from the mechanical arms. 

The man can't help but frown under his mask. While Ghost Spider was someone he knew, he also couldn't help but feel like this Spider-man was someone he also knew. Was there some kind of pattern? Shaking his head, he lunges at Spider-man and tries to tackle him. The Spider-man jumps out of the way, but fails to anticipate the killer's tendrils swiping at him, knocking him into a building. The man in the red and blue suit is knocked through a window. 

???: That voice... Why...? Why does it sound so... Familiar? 

He holds his head in his hands, his head throbbing in pain as he tries to remember. Before he can put his finger on the answer, Spider-man leaps out of the building and kicks him in the face, knocking him against a wall. The masked man growls lowly as he glares at the hero. 

Spider-man: Are you mad? You look mad. 

???: Is it just part of the job description to be verbally annoying? 

He lunges at the hero and slams his tendrils down on him. However, the hero is able to read his moves and jumps backwards. Once he landed on the building, he shot a web at the killer and pulled himself towards him. That was a big mistake on Spider-man's end as the masked man was able to thrust his tendrils upwards, forming a barrier. Upon doing so, Spider-man's foot connected with the tendrils which wrapped around his leg. Grinning, the man slammed the hero down on a car before throwing him skyward. He followed through by lunging at the hero, grabbing him by the neck and dragged him up the building. As soon as they reached the top, the killer threw a right hook at Spider-man's face, blasting him backwards with intense force and ferocity. 

Spider-man lets out a low and pained groan as he slowly pushes himself up. His mask was ripped from the killer's punch, revealing half of his face. As the killer laid eyes on him, his tendrils immediately retracted and his red and black eye reverted to being a sky blue colour. 

???: W...What...? This... This can't be... You... You're not real. You can't be. Peter...? 

Spider-man: Oh boy. That's a no-no. 

The killer holds onto his head as a sharp pain implodes in it. He falls to his knees, overwhelmed by the reveal and the sudden resurgence of his humanity and morality. Peter watches the killer, confused. But given the difference in strength, he stands up and retreats, leaving the man alone to deal with his trauma. 

???: Peter... You... Were my brother...! It's not fair...! IT'S NOT FAIR!!!

His tendrils blast out of his back, larger and more rageful than ever. Betrayed by Gwen, abandoned by Peter, lost his very mind to insanity, he had nothing to lose now. His cries turned into laughter and his lips curled into a wild smile. 

He removes his mask and grabs onto his face, beginning to rip and tear at it, stripping himself of his former identity. 

All with a sinister laugh

There's no Betrayal Like Heartbreak (Male OC x Spider-Gwen)Where stories live. Discover now