Broken Bonds

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Mutasim P.O.V

Sunlight shone through the window, hitting me right in the face which made me wake up a little. Groaning, I sat up from my bed and rubbed my eyes, clearing up my vision a little. After that, I threw the blanket off me and looked out the window, hearing and see the busy streets of New York. I let out a sigh as I stood up from my bed, getting changed into my school uniform. It wasn't anything special. Just a simple shirt, a blazer and pants. 

I didn't bother with breakfast and immediately left my home with my backpack, making my way to the school. In all honesty, I didn't really enjoy going to school as much now. Ever since Peter died and Gwen basically ghosted me, I couldn't really find any entertainment in the boring place. Not only that, but I was constantly reminded of the friend I lost when I kept seeing his seat empty in class. Or when I saw a poster on a wall talking about mourning Peter. 

Shaking my head from those thoughts, I soon arrived at the school, starting my day. First class of the day was Chemistry. While I was glad it wasn't Maths, I was still a bit weary since Gwen, Peter and I shared the same class together. And it didn't help that we were all sat with each other. Its been... difficult to stay focused on class when all I wanted to do was ask Gwen how she was feeling and offer my help. But she always dodged it and just got on with the work, ignoring me. 

As soon as I entered the class, I saw that it was mostly empty with only a few students sat down and talking amongst each other. A lot of the students were able to move on pretty easily after Peter's death since they didn't really know him all too well. In a way, it was like they were coping in secret, or maybe that's just how I wanted to interpret it. 

I sat down in my seat and got out everything I needed. A few minutes and the class began to fill up with other students, including Gwen. Seeing the almost emotionless expression on her face only made me somehow feel worse for not trying harder to talk to her. I kept my head down as she sat down one seat away from me. She stayed silent as she got her equipment out and waited for the lesson to start. 

As much as I wanted to talk to her, I just knew she'd ignore me like she's always been doing. So I kept my mouth shut and looked out the window, just to try and keep my mind off things. Before I knew it, class had started and the teacher began to do his job. 

I did my best to follow along for as long as I could, but more than often, I ended up zoning out, wondering how I could get through to Gwen. I've tried waiting, but its been over a month now. Maybe if I was just direct, I could get through to her? But if I went with that option, I was almost certain she'd lash out at me. It was just a hunch though. 

The day dragged on, making an hour feel like it was actually a whole day. Somehow, it was worse today compared to every other day. After a long day, it was finally time for lunch. Students had stormed the cafeteria to collect their food and get to the seats before all of them were taken up. 

Luckily, I didn't have to worry about that since I packed my own lunch, consisting of a simple cheese sandwich and a pack of cookies. It was... a strange lunch, most would say. But I liked to keep buying them as a reminder of how Gwen and I first met. As strange as it may sound, we shared the same amount of love for a particular brand of cookies. It was weird, but you had to keep in mind we were only kids then so it seemed normal at the time. 

Despite me arriving as early as I did, the cafeteria was still crowded with nearly every spot taken. Lunch time craze was probably the worst thing in school right next to homework over holidays. Turning to a nearby corner, I saw Gwen sat down with barely any food. It was no secret she had been starving herself for some time now, making me just feel worse for not trying harder. 

Ultimately, I decided to be direct now. Its been a whole month! And she couldn't keep pushing me away, right? 

Taking a deep breath to keep my cool, I walked over to her and sat down opposite her. 

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