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A/N: might do a part 2 if i feel nice. sorry i havent been posting ive been hoing through a depresive episode so yknow. also nearly died a few times so taht was fun! hope you like the new chapter.

This was his 6th bottle.

he wanted to die from alcohol poisoning.

atleast he'd die happy. right?

he wanted freedom.

would the tiger even let him?

would it be an inconvenience if he died?

would anyone even notice?

he didn't remember what happened next but what he did remember was waking up with a pounding head to the screeching alarm at 4 in the morning.

he did not want to go to work today.

he could call in sick or maybe just not show up, without any warning. no one would even notice, would they.

pushing himself up with heavy difficulty he got up from his bed and exited his room.

lazily pushing the bathroom door open and taking a piss before washing his hands. he emptily opened the mirror cupboard, he took about three Tylenol in hopes his headache would cease. he coughed as he took the pills entirely raw without a drink.

the taste was bitter and unfamiliar, but oh so familiar at the same time. a sickening sweet taste.

he stumbled back into his room. before he even reached his bed he collapsed onto the floor with a wave of fatigue and dissiness.

"fuck-!" he grunted as his body collided with the cold wooden and cracked floor. the nails that dug into thr floor boards scrached and knawed at his skin. swallowing it in their disgusting grasp.

he remembered his eyes closing as he glared at the half empty bottle of vodka seeping onto his floor from last night. that wS perfectly good alcohol he had inconsiderably wasted for his own stupid needs.
God he was useless.

he woke again with light seeping in his poor eyes. metallic scented blood filled his nostrils as he looked at his hands by his head to see blood covering them and small wound sovereign his body.

jesus those 'nails' were sharp.

he wasn't in his bedroom.


why is there trees?


'I'm in a forest' he thought.

he onec again pulled himself up, sitting on his knees. patting himself down, he noticed he held his phone in his back pocket. unlocking it and realising he had atleast 30 messages from akutagawa alone and he barely messaged him. altogether he had about 1500 messages from different people asking where he was and why hadn't he been to work in a week.

had atsushi blacked out and went on a bender?

what had happened?

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