The Boy Downstairs

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today was just like any ordinary day or so i thought. i woke up at 7 am to get ready and be at the restaurant by 9. working at a restaurant wasn't for the weak. i walked in at 8:58 and punched in. having the opening shift was always iffy. some days it was busy and some days it was completely dead. today was a busy day, it was a Saturday around 12 and i had 7 tables. I was running around and next thing i knew it was 4 o'clock and the rest of the wait staff was coming in.

"good afternoon" my best friend sara said.

"its been so busy today" i said to her as i loaded a tray with a bunch of plates for a 7 top. sara has been in my life since i was 9. she had beautiful long natural red hair and gorgeous green eyes that made my blue eyes look like shit. she has definitely walked away with numbers left on her checks and not just from men. she was 5'2" same as me.

"i can see that" she laughed. "are you ready for tonight" she added as i got back to the counter.

"im so excited" i said as i thought about the plans we had made for tonight. after work we both decided to go back to my house and watch supercross. tonight was MetLife. living in new york both of us tried to take off and get tickets but no one could cover both of us and we agreed not to go without each other. we would have to watch the replay but i stayed off all social media to avoid spoilers.

it started down pouring and the flow of people started to slow down.

"what do you think the are going to do" sara asked me as we both looked at a notification saying they might have to postpone the race due to bad weather.

"i hope it clears up soon" i said rolling another set of silverware. it was now 9 and i normally would have been going home now but i told the boss i could do a double.

"sara, alyssa we just got a reservation for 20 make sure everything is prepped for the table and save a spot" our manager yelled over to us. a 20 top at 11 what are these people thinking. the restaurant closes at 1 am so they better not take forever. both sara and i were off tomorrow so at least we could still stay up to watch supercross. people started coming in for the big table but with rotation the table ended up going to our other waiter beck. beck was you average alt skater boy. sara was into him at one point but then she found her love in moto boys and no one else has ever competed. i was cleaning tables and carrying a stack of cups through the dining room but i tripped over my own foot and everyone was looking at me. i cleaned the mess but i was so embarrassed. i went to the bathroom after and noticed i must have cut my hand because there was some blood dripping down my arm. i cleaned as best as i could but i needed to wrap it up we had a bunch of gauze and wraps in the back office, you would think they only hired clumsy people here. i wrapped my hand in a paper towel and made my way to the bathroom door. i opened the door and turned the corner to walk down the hallway but i ran right into someone. i stumbled back a bit and the person i ran into caught me.

"shit im so sorry" i said as i slowly looked up at the person. they looked very familiar. "well thank you" i said snapping back remembering my hand was still dripping. i started to walk away as i heard him speak.

"no problem" the Australian accent made me blush and i walked away even faster. he was very attractive and i just mad myself look like an idiot. i finished wrapping my hand in the back office and told Jefferson our manager that it wasn't bad enough to get stitches and i could still work.

"alyssa could you help bring food out to my table" beck asked in a panic. i grabbed a few plates and started walking over to the table with beck.

"i have a spaghetti and meatballs" i said and one of the guys raised their hand and i set the plate in front of him. i continued with " now i have chicken tenders and French fries"

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