flight to catch

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it has been a week and jett and i have been talking constantly and we would fall asleep with each other on facetime every night. it was now Thursday and i had to get early to get to the airport. i told jett not to worry about my ticket because i had it covered. i wanted to get to Denver early so i could surprise him at press day. he thought i was just showing up for Saturday.

jet tried facetiming me when i got to the airport but i couldn't let him know that i was coming early or it would ruin the whole surprise so i sent him to voice mail. i felt my phone go off a minute after i put it back into my pocket.

JETT🍩: everything ok?

ALYSSA: yeah im just busy at the moment.

JETT🍩: oh ok ill talk to you later i cant wait to see you on Saturday.

i liked his message and smiled to myself. i boarded the plane and put my headphones in this was going to be a long flight. i opened Spotify and started playing chase Atlantic. soon enough i was asleep. i woke up a few hours later to the plane landing. after getting off the plane i went to get my rental figured out. ended up renting a white Miata mx 5 because when else would i be able rent a sports car. i drove to the hotel and got checked in. as i was laying on the bed i was getting another facetime from jett. i got comfortable and made it look like it wasn't a hotel bed. when i was ready i answered the phone.

"hey whats up" i asked jett as he looked at the phone and started smiling.

"nothing i missed talking to you, where are you" he asked noticing i wasn't in my bed.

"im at saras" i said quickly.

"oh can i say hi" he said getting excited.

"no" was all i said while i tried to think of an answer and he came back with another question

"why notttttt" he begged. why was he begging like that.

"because im waiting for her to get off work" i said and he dropped the conversation. we talked for an hour and then he told me he had to go to practice. i said good bye and he hung up. he was at the track in Denver already. i couldn't wait any longer i had to see him. i got into the car and drove to the track. jett had put me on some list so when i got there on Saturday i would have no issues. here's to hoping i can get in early. i pulled up to the security guard and he asked for my name and i gave it to him and told him i was a friend of jetts and i happened to come a few days early to surprise him while giving him my I.D. he let me through and i pulled up by the Honda trailer. i got out and immediately hunter saw me.

"alyssa oh my god why are you here" he asked me while running up to me. hunter and i have gotten closer since jett and i talk all the time.

"shhhh jett doesn't know im here. im surprising him" i said to hunter and he laughed. "can i ask you a small favor... actually its a big favor" i added

"sure whats up" he said while pulling me inside so jett wouldn't see me when going around the track.

"can i maybe borrow your bike and do a lap around the track" i quickly got out. he stared at me for a few seconds and i started to feel stupid for a second.

"sure i brought a spare bike with me" he said and got up to unpack it. i walked outside and grab the gear and helmet i brought with me. i never leave home without a set. i got changed and walked over to the bike and got on. it felt god to be on a bike again. i pulled on to the track and quickly caught up to jett. he pulled off confused and i passed him. he pulled back on and we played cat and mouse until he caught up to me again and passed me. as we were going around the track i could see all of the Honda boys and some of the other guys from other teams watching. i saw hunter at the finish line waiving the white flag. i had one more lap to pass jett. i got close but i was less than a second behind him when he crossed the finish line. as i crossed i jumped it and whipped the bike mid air. i landed and pulled off the track watching as all the boys started walking back to their trailers. jett stopped and waited for me but i passed him and drove back up to Honda without him. i put the bike on a stand and jett ran up to me.

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