Finn ~ Broken Glass

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There was a smash and Finn cried out.
"What was that?"
"Finn, are you alright? Shit," Alex said as he saw Finn. Finn had been in the kitchen when a glass jug had fallen from the top shelf and smashed over his hands. Blood was dripping from his hands, and glass was all over the counter.
"It... it just fell Alex."
"I believe you. Put your hands over the sink," He said, and he helped Finn to move his hands.
"Alex. What happened?"
"It's Finn," Alex said as Mike came into the kitchen, and he walked round to them.
"Argh! That stings!"
"I know, I'm sorry," Alex said as he ran the tap and he let it run over Finn's injured hands.
"The glass jug smashed and glass has gone into his hands."
"Argh... Argh..."
"It's alright Finn," Alex said as he swallowed. Finn's hands were full of glass shards and tears were quickly forming in his eyes.
"I'm going to start to car. Don't touch his hands, we'll get you to a doctor Finn," Mike said before he rushed out.
"What's going on?" Ryan asked as he came in.
"Finn's been hurt. Can you clear the glass off the counter and put it into a sandwich box?"
"What would I do that?"
"Because it's sharp and it could injure someone else."
"Alright," Ryan said and he got the dustpan and brush.
"Alright Finn, it's alright," Alex reassured Finn as he was crying.
"It hurts..."
"I know it does."
"Why's there blood mixed in with the glass?"
"Because it's Finn's."
"Alex... the big shard is... argh, it hurts."
"I know Finn," Alex said as he turned the tap off. "Mike's getting the car ready so that we can get you to the doctor's."
"It's alright Finn."
"How badly is he..." Ryan said before he stopped himself. "Oh..."
"Ryan?" Alex asked as he looked at him.
"That's a lot of blood... and the glass..."
"Don't faint on my Ryan," Alex said as Ryan started to go pale.
"I'm not going to..."
"Right Finn. Let's get you to the GP surgery," Mike said as he returned and Finn nodded.
"We'll take the washing up bowl, to catch the blood."
"Good idea Alex," Mike said before he turned to Ryan. "Ryan? Are you alright? You've gone pale."
"Pale...? Me...?"
"Yes. Are you feeling alright?"
"No, he's about to faint."
"That's enough Alex."
"Come on Finn," Alex said and Finn moved his hands, Alex lifting and keeping the washing up bowl underneath them. Seeing the glass shards move with Finn's hands was too much, and Ryan fell backwards, fainting right into the laundry room. "Not such a tough guy now," Alex commented.
"Take Finn into the car. I'll give May-Li a call," Mike said and Alex took Finn to the car.
"May-Li. There's been an accident in the kitchen and I'm taking Finn and Alex to the GP surgery. No, they're alright, don't panic. Ryan's fainted, so can you come back as soon as you can. Thank you," Mike said, and he hung up before he went into the hallway. "Tyler! Charlie!"
"Yeah?" They asked as they appeared at the top of the stairs.
"I need to leave you both in charge. Finn's been hurt and I'm taking him to the GP surgery with Alex."
"Is he alright?"
"Yes, he's going to be fine."
"Ryan's fainted in the laundry room, can you look after him until May-Li gets here please?"
"Ryan's fainted?" Tyler asked as they both smiled.
"Yes, and I need you to be sensible about this."
"Actually fainted?"
"Alright. I'm taking some pictures."
"No pictures Tyler."
"Mike! We need to go!" Alex shouted from outside.
"Yes Alex! I need to go. Be grown up guys."
"We will be Mike," Charlie said and Mike left.
"You find Ryan, I'm going to get my phone," Tyler said and Charlie went into the kitchen.


"How's the pain?" Alex asked Finn as they came back inside.
"Much better. But my hands are still sore."
"They will be. The doctor took a lot of glass out of them."
"They'll heal in the next few days Finn."
"You're back," Ryan said as he, Tyler, and Charlie came to meet them.
"What happened to you?"
"A glass jug broke and lots of glass shards went into Finn's hands."
"Yeah. It hurt, a lot."
"Are you doing alright now?"
"Yeah. The doctor took a lot of glass out... and Alex and Mike have been looking after me."
"We care about you mate."
"We all do. I'm glad that you're alright," Tyler told him.
"Any help you need, just let us know Finn."
"Yeah, anything we can do."
"Thank you."
"Good. Now Tyler, I want your phone," Mike said.
"What? Why?"
"To delete any picture you took of Ryan while he was unconscious."
"You took pictures of me?"
"Only a few," Tyler said as he handed his phone to Mike.
"I'm going to kill you."
"No you're not. Thank you Tyler."
"We made sure that you were alright. Remember?"
"I don't remember giving my consent for Tyler to take humiliating pictures of me."
"And they were very humiliating."
"Come here Tyler!"
"Come and get me!" Tyler shouted and Ryan chased him up the stairs.
"Dinner's ready!" May-Li called from the kitchen.
"Alright Finn, get some dinner. Thank you for coming with him Alex."
"I wanted to make sure that he was alright," Alex said, and they went through for dinner.

""I wanted to make sure that he was alright," Alex said, and they went through for dinner

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