Alice ~ Hit By Car

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"So, why are you in a kid's home anyway? Did your mummy and daddy not want you?"
"My mum dumped me on the street one day and left."
"That's a horrible thing to do."
"How do you know that your mummy wouldn't do the same to you?"
"My mummy's nice."
"Well she did it to me."
"10 years ago. She dumped me on the street. She left me and had you. Then she built a nice life for herself. She doesn't want me."
"My mummy?"
"Yes, who else? Aileen, with her big house and successful career. It makes me sick," Alex said, and he left.
"Alex?" Alice said before she ran Alex's words through her head. "Alex!" She called after him.


"Argh..." Alice groaned as she sat up. There was blood on her top and she raised her hand up to it. Her head hurt and she looked around. She was outside of Ashdene Ridge, and she'd come here to do something...

Alex. She had come here to see Alex. He had said that her mum had left him in the street. Her mummy won't have done that? Would she?
"Argh!" Alice winced as she rested on the outside porch. Lifting her hand to her abdomen, she felt blood and there were sharp shards in her skin. Tears staining her eyes, she had to find Alex.

"Argh... argh..." Alice groaned as she opened the door and came into the dumping ground.
"What's that?"
"Is someone hurt?" Mike asked as he and May-Li came out of the office.
"Oh. Are you alright sweetheart?" May-Li asked as she saw Alice. Alice looked up at her and thought, if Alex's mum is my mum... then he's my...
"Brother... I need my... brother..." Alice said as her eyes closed a little and she winced.
"Who's your brother darling?"
"Alex... I need..."
"What's going on?" Sasha asked as everyone came in from the lounge.
"Who's that?"
"Alice? What are you doing here?" Alex asked as he saw her, and he came over to her.
"Do you know her Alex?"
"I had to... argh... find you..."
"Are you hurt?" Alex asked as he knelt beside Alice, and she closed her eyes.
"Who is she Alex?"
"Woah!" Alex and Tyler shouted as Alice collapsed backwards and Alex caught her. "Alice? Alice?" He asked as he rested her on his lap as he knelt down.
"She's bleeding."
"Get an ambulance Mike."
"Who is she?"
"There's something in her abdomen. It feels like glass," Tyler said as he pressed on Alice's bleeding wound.
"Careful Tyler," May-Li said, and she carefully lifted Alice's top up.
"Alice? Alice, can you hear me?" Alex asked as he held Alice in his arms, but she had passed out.
"That's disgusting."
"It looks like glass. Be careful Tyler, you don't want to get any in your hands."
"Yes, she's unconscious. She's about 9 or 10. No, I don't have a name... I don't know who she is."
"She's my sister," Alex told Mike quietly.
"Your sister?" Tyler asked.
"You didn't tell Mike or I that you had family."
"You told me that you only had a mother," Finn and May-Li said.
"I only met her a few days ago. I didn't know," Alex said, and he then started to cry.
"Ok, they're on their way. Tyler, I'm going to get a towel so that you don't cut yourself," Mike said as he hung up the phone and went into the kitchen.
"What's going on?" Charlie said as she came down the stairs. Alex looked up at her as tears ran down his face. "Is that Alice?"
"She can't hear me Charlie..."
"And she's bleeding."
"Where from?"
"Do you know about Alice too Charlie?" May-Li asked Charlie as she rushed down the stairs and knelt beside Alice.
"We met Alice when we went to sort out people's lawns."
"Ok. I want to have a chat to you both later."
"Ok," Charlie replied to May-Li, and she took Alice's pulse.
"Everyone, show's over. Please go into the lounge."
"Give us some room guys. Move your hands Tyler," Mike said as he returned. Everyone made their way to the lounge as Tyler removed his hands and Mike placed the towel on top of Alice's wound.
"It looks like a car headlight," Charlie said and everyone looked at her as Tyler reapplied pressure.
"It looks like glass from a car's front headlight."
"She was hit by a car?"
"It looks like it. There's a road outside and the headlight could have smashed."
"Then why is she here alone? Where's the driver who hit her?"
"It could have been a hit and run. She came here to look for you Alex."
"How do you know that?"
"She's your sister, who else would she go to?"
"But I never told her that I was..."
"You didn't need to," Charlie said and Alex looked at her, tears running down his face.
"What good am I being a brother to her? She's unconscious in my arms Charlie," Alex said, and Mike decided to step in.
"She's going to be alright Alex. The ambulance is on its way. We're doing all that we can for her," Mike said, and Alex nodded. Tyler softened as he looked at Alex and thought about how vulnerable his own mum was. Alex was only just discovering his family, and they would all do everything they could to protect and care for both Alex and his family.

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