Alex ~ Allergic Reaction

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"Alex? Are you alright?" Lily asked Alex as he saw starting to gasp.
"I'm struggling... a little to breathe..."
"Ok. Ok, there's no need to panic. Are you allergic to anything?"
"Not that I... know of."
"Ok. You're getting a rash on your neck, so I think it might be a reaction. Just sit down," Lily said and she helped Alex to sit down on the floor.
"My throat's... getting tight..."
"Ok. I'm just going to check something Alex. I'll be right back."
"Ok..." Alex said and Lily rushed off. While she was gone, Alex's vision started to blur, and he really started to find it hard to breathe. "Lily..." He gasped. "Lily..."
"I'm here. I'm here Alex," Lily said as she returned. "Mike made me a note that says you're allergic to green peppers. We had some delivered here yesterday as a mistake."
"I can't..."
"I know hold still," Lily said and Alex just realised that she had rolled the sleeve up on his arm. She injected a needle into it, and Alex lost touch with the world for a few moments.


"Alex? Alex, can you hear me? It's Lily. Alex? Look at me Alex."
"That's it. Can you breathe?"
"Yeah," Alex said after a moment.
"Good. You scared me for a few minutes. I've called for an ambulance and they're on their way. You're going to be alright."
"Thank you..."
"Just focus on breathing," Lily said, and she took Alex's pulse as she called Mike.
"Lily?" Mike answered. "How's everything going?"
"It's been good, but there's been an incident with Alex. He's had an allergic reaction and I've called for an ambulance."
"What?! Is he ok?"
"He's doing alright now. He's awake and he can breathe, but he needs to go to hospital."
"Ok. Which hospital?"
"I don't know yet."
"Let me know and I'll meet Alex there."
"Ok, I'll let you know," Lily said and she hung up. "Your pulse is good Alex. Just relax until the paramedics get here."
"Thank you."
"How are you feeling?"
"Better. Thanks."
"You seem more awake."
"I feel more awake. But I've had far too many ambulances called for me."
"Why? What else has happened?"
"My appendix almost burst."
"There's nothing that you could have done about that."
"And I almost died of hypothermia."
"Yeah, I collapsed from dehydration after my appendix surgery and I was left outside all night."
"All night?"
"Well, you're better than me. I fell off the roof and got Sapphire and Carmen shipped off to Burnywood."
"What's Burnywood?"
"An awful care home. They hate me for it."
"Did you fall off the roof of the DG?"
"Yeah, but it was our previous house."
"Things were moving too fast for me at the time, and I wasn't being listened to. An appendix and hypothermia are good reasons to go to the hospital, trust me."
"Ambulance," A paramedic called as they opened the door.
"Over here," Lily called back, and they came over.


Taking Alex in as a precaution, Lily told Mike which hospital they were taking him to, and he joined Alex there.
"Green peppers Alex."
"Stupid wasn't it?"
"It was unfortunate, but these things happen. Are you alright?"
"I'm fine. Lily injected me with an epipen, and now I'm just left feeling stupid."
"It's not stupid. They're just allergies," Mike said with a small, and Alex smiled back. "The doctor's about to discharge you, so we'll get you home alright?"
"Ok," Alex agreed. "But Mike. Can we not tell anyone? I don't want anyone to know."
"I won't tell anyone," Mike said and the doctor came over.

Alex was discharged and Mike brought Alex back to Ashdene Ridge. As far as anyone was aware, he'd just given him a lift home from Lily's café.

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