Tyler ~ Spider

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"Argh..." Tyler complained as he was sitting on the sofa in the hallway. His ear hurt and it felt like there was something in it. "What is that?"
"Talking to yourself Tyler?" Alex asked as he and Sasha came down the stairs.
"No, it's my ear."
"What's wrong?"
"It feels like there's something in it and argh! It hurts."
"We can try to get it out."
"You can. I'm not going near it," Sasha said.
"Alright, get me some tweezers and a light Sasha," Alex said, and he sat beside Tyler as Sasha went off to find the equipment.
"You're going to get it out?" Tyler asked Alex.
"Why not? I want to help if I can."
"Because it's a nice thing to do."
"Alright," Tyler said as he caved in.
"Here you go nurse."
"Thanks," Alex said and he took the light and tweezers from Sasha. "Tilt your head to the left and stay still," Alex told Tyler, and he did so.

"Is something in there?" Sasha asked as Alex looked into Tyler's ear and he carefully put the tweezers in.
"Yes. It's quite big."
"Argh... it feels like it's moving."
"I've got it."
"What is it?"
"Oh... urgh," Alex said as he took the thing out, and he gagged.
"What? What is it?" Tyler asked.
"Urgh," Sasha said before she too gagged as she saw what came out of Tyler's ear.
"It's a spider."
"Urgh," Tyler gagged, and he quickly stood up before he ran to the kitchen sink. He threw up and Alex put the spider in the bin.
"What's up with you?" Chloe asked them as she appeared.
"Don't ask," Sasha said, and she left the group.
"You alright Tyler?" Alex asked Tyler as he was throwing up, and Tyler nodded.
"Thanks Alex."
"Anytime," Alex said and he grimaced as Tyler kept throwing up.


"We're back!" May-Li called as they came through the door. "Oh."
"Why are you pale Tyler?" Joseph asked. Tyler was still standing by the sink and Alex was resting a hand on his back.
"I removed something from Tyler's ear."
"What was it?"
"Have you been throwing up Tyler?" May-Li asked as she came over to them and Tyler nodded. "Oh, come here," She said and she led Tyler to the table as Chloe and Joseph came over to Alex. He lent down and whispered to them.
"It was a spider."
"Oh that's disgusting!"
"Urgh..." Joseph gagged and they all left the room.
"Guys?" May-Li asked as she got Tyler some water. "What was that about?"
"You don't want to know," Tyler said, and May-Li gave him the water before she sat with him.

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