Alex ~ Collapses

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"She wasn't lying Alex. She really did try and find you," Mike said as he handed Alex the papers. He looked through them, then he looked at Charlie and Finn. He took a moment before his eyes closed and he collapsed.
"Alex!" Charlie and Finn as they all rushed to Alex's side.
"Careful, give him some room. Alex? Alex, it's Mike, can you hear me?" Mike asked as he knelt beside him.
"Alex. Please wake up."
"Alex?" Mike asked, and Charlie started taking his pulse.
"I can feel his pulse Mike. I think he's alright," Charlie said after a moment.
"Ok. He could have just been overwhelmed."
"Do we need to get an ambulance?"
"Um... no. No, we'll move him into the quiet room," Mike decided.
"Are you sure?"
"He's unconscious."
"I know Charlie, but it's likely that he's just fainted. A lot has happened to him today and if he doesn't start coming round soon I'll call for an ambulance myself."
"Is that Alex?" Ryan asked as he came to the office, and they looked up at him. "What's he doing on the ground?"
"Why isn't he moving?" Joseph also asked as he came over.
"Has he fainted?"
"Woah, is that Alex?"
"Is he ok?"
"What happened to him this time?" Floss asked as everyone crowded round the door of the office.
"He's just fainted. Look, he's had a very big day guys."
"So he passed out?"
"What's going on?" May-Li asked as she arrived. "Oh. Mike, what's happened?"
"It's a long story May-Li. Can you move everyone into the living room please?"
"Yeah, of course. Are you going to be ok?"
"Yes, we'll be fine."
"Ok guys, into the living room please. Do you want me to call for an ambulance Mike?"
"No. I'm sorting it out, thank you May-Li."
"Ok. Keep moving guys," May-Li said and she went with everyone into the living room.
"What's wrong with him?"
"Is he going to be ok?"
"Why's he unconscious?"
"Will he need to go to the hospital?"
"I don't know guys, but Mike's taking care of him."
"Who really cares anyway?"
"We do stupid," Tyler replied to Ryan, and May-Li closed the lounge doors.
"Charlie, take his legs and Finn make sure we don't knock Alex on anything ok?"
"Right Charlie, on 3. 1, 2, 3," Mike said and together they lifted Charlie up. Moving him into the quiet room, they lay him on the sofa and put a cushion underneath his head.
"Come on Alex," Charlie said as she knelt beside him and took his hand. "You're alright."


"Mike. How's Alex?" May-Li asked as she met him in the kitchen.
"He's awake and he's doing well. Charlie and Finn are with him."
"Why did he collapse?"
"He found out that his mother's been trying to find him."
"He's gone from believing that she abandoned him to learning that she never gave up her search for him. It all just became too much."
"That's a big change for him."
"Yeah. It was a lot to take in."
"Did you call for an ambulance in the end?"
"No. He came round after 5 minutes and he just needed something sugary to eat and some water."
"Do you want me to check on him in ten minutes or so?"
"If you could. I'll get dinner on."
"Ok," May-Li said and she went into the lounge.

After letting everyone know that Alex was alright and he needed some quiet time, May-Li went into the quiet room to check on him. He wasn't there, so she went out to the garden.
"Alex," She said as she found him sitting on the bench with Charlie and Finn. "How are you feeling?"
"Better. Thanks May-Li," Alex said before he turned back to the collection of paper in his hands.
"It's a lot to take in, and it will take time to accept."
"She never gave up on me," Alex said as May-Li knelt down in front of him and tears started to form in his eyes. "All this time I thought that she..."
"Hey," May-Li said, and Alex started to cry. "It's alright."
"I thought that she had abandoned me. Left me and those streets alone and now..."
"Come here," May-Li said and she hugged Alex. He was crying, so Charlie spoke for him.
"He wants to see his mum again."
"Oh. That's really good."
"Today, if he can."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah... yeah," Alex said as he wiped his tears away and looked at May-Li. "I need to talk to her."
"Ok. Dinner will be ready shortly, then I can give her a call and see if she is willing to meet up again this evening."
"Yes... please May-Li."
"Alright. You need to get some in you. Everyone knows to be nice to you alright?"
"Ok," Alex said, and he smiled a little.
"May-Li!" Joseph called as he came into the garden and they turned to him. "Dinner's ready."
"Ok, thank you Joseph. Alright Alex?" May-Li asked, and Alex nodded.
"Thank you."
"Come on," Charlie said, and they stood up.
"I'm hungry," Finn added and Alex smiled.
"Let's get some dinner then," Alex said, and they went inside.


"I'm ready to be loved May-Li," Alex said as she finished his story. It was late and he was sat with May-Li at the dinner table.
"That's great Alex. You deserve to be loved, and your mum sounds like she really wants to make it up to you."
"She does. And Alice is everything I could ever ask for in a sister."
"The only thing I wish Alex, is that you had come to us sooner. If you had told us about your sister and your mum, we would have helped you through this."
"I know. But I think that I was distancing myself. I was used to being unloved and abandoned. Being loved is strange to me, especially by someone who's related to me by blood."
"I know that having blood relatives is new to you, but you are loved by so many people Alex. Everyone here for a start."
"And Kazima."
"Kazima, the twins, Henry Morris, Scott, Dee," May-Li listed and Alex smiled. "We have a lot of people who care about you."
"I suppose I do," Alex said and they went quiet for a moment. May-Li looked at her watch before she spoke again.
"Is there anything else that you want to talk about Alex?"
"Is there a time limit?"
"No, but it is 11:35, and we should both be in bed."
"Ok. I think I'm good."
"Good," May-Li said and they stood up. "Come on, I'll make sure that you make it upstairs."
"Why? I know where I'm going."
"You've had a long day, and you fainted. I want to make sure that you get to your room."
"Alright. Thanks May-Li."
"You may not be my son, but I do care about you like you're mine."
"You're very good at being a mom to all of us."
"Stop it, or you'll make me cry," May-Li said and Alex smiled. She took him up to his room and made sure that he was alright. Alex had finally accepted that his mother loved him, he was ready to accept it for himself.

 Alex had finally accepted that his mother loved him, he was ready to accept it for himself

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