Charlie ~ Panic Attack

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"Woah. Who are you?" Alex asked as he bumped into Charlie for the first time. She had tears in her eyes and Alex frowned. "Are you alright?"
"I'm... Charlie. I'm new..."
"Alright. I'm Alex," Alex said and a tear fell down Charlie's face as she had a hand placed on her chest. "Are you alright?"
"I don't know why I'm here... I don't want to be here... and I..."
"Hey, it's alright," Alex said as he put his hands onto her arms. "It's difficult for everyone when they first arrive," Alex said, but Charlie's breathing was strained.
"Can you breathe?"
"No. No... it's hard."
"Do you have allergies? Are you asthmatic?"
"No," Charlie said as she shook her head. "My chest is... Alex I can't..."
"Ok, ok. I think this is a panic attack Charlie. Come with me," Alex said and he took Charlie into the bathroom and locked the door.
"Just breathe. Take some deep breaths alright?" He said as Charlie sat on the side of the bath and he knelt in front of her. "Follow my breathing alright?" Alex said and Charlie nodded. He breathed deeply and calmly, and Charlie tried to follow it. She was struggling, so Alex reassured her. "It's alright Charlie. You're doing really well, just relax."
"I..." Charlie said in fear.
"If you pass out, you won't stop breathing. It might even help," Alex said and Charlie tried to smile. She struggled more and lowered her head down.
"Come on Charlie," Alex said as he became serious. Panic attacks could lead to cardiac arrest, so he had to help Charlie get this under control. "It's ok, I'm with you. It's going to be alright."
"Get Mike," Someone said from outside of the door.
"Come on Charlie."
"You're... helping me...?"
"Of course. You can trust me," Alex said and Charlie put her hands onto Alex. He moved his hands and took Charlie's into his own. Six agonising minutes passed before Charlie looked up at Alex. Her breathing had improved and she was crying.
"Thank you."
"Come here," Alex said and he hugged Charlie.

Mike broke the lock and came into the bathroom, causing both Alex and Charlie to look up.
"Mike," Alex said as he had his arm around Charlie.
"What's going on? Charlie, are you alright?"
"She's had a panic attack. But she's alright."
"A panic attack?"
"Alex... Alex helped me..."
"Shall we move you somewhere more comfortable?"
"I want to stay... with Alex..."
"We can do that. Come on, the bathroom isn't the place for you both," Mike said gently.
"Come on Charlie," Alex said and they left the bathroom.
"What's a panic attack?" Taz asked Jody as they walked past them.
"I'm not sure."
"It's alright," Alex reassured Charlie as they went downstairs.


"Alex. What happened to the new girl?" Jody asked as she found him in the kitchen.
"She got overwhelmed. It's called a panic attack and you feel like you can't breathe."
"She couldn't breathe?"
"She only felt like she couldn't. But if you struggle for long enough, your brain gets starved of oxygen and you can pass out."
"So you saved her?"
"I helped her. I don't know her, I only know that her name is Charlie."
"You still helped her."
"I guess I did."
"Where is she at the moment?"
"She's in the quiet room with Mike."
"Is she ok?"
"She's doing much better."
"Good," Jody said and they carried on with their day.

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