Alice ~ Hospitalised

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"Charlie. Good of you to join us," Mike said as she came into the kitchen for dinner.
"Alex. You need to see this," Charlie said and she handed the newspaper to Alex. He took it and started reading it. Jody was beside him and after a moment, Alex put the paper down and left for the garden.
"What? Alex!"
"Alex!" May-Li and Mike called, and Charlie followed him into the garden. Jody picked up the newspaper and looked for a story that could have upset Alex. "What does it say Jody?"
"It's just today's news."
"Why did Alex leave like that?"
"I don't know. All this says is that some woman rescued a puppy, the mayor opened a library and a girl has been admitted to hospital with a rare infection."


"Alex!" Charlie called as she reached them.
"It said that she could die Charlie."
"I know," Charlie said as she sat beside Alex. Tears were already starting to fall down his face, and Charlie put her hand onto his arm.
"Alice could die. I've only just met her."
"She is and will always be your sister Alex. She's in hospital and I'm sure that she's being looked after."
"She doesn't even know who I am."
"She doesn't need to. She's your sister, and you want the best for her," Charlie said and Alex went quiet for a few moments.
"I feel sick."
"There's nothing you can do Alex."
"Aileen. I don't trust my mum. What if she doesn't look after her? What if she gets better, but she decides that doesn't want to look after Alice any more. What if she..."
"You're letting your imagination run away with you Alex. It's a rare infection, I'm sure she's getting the highest level of care."
"From doctors?"
"Yes. She's not just with your mum," Charlie said and Alex put his hand on-top of Charlie's as he looked at her.
"She'll be ok? She's not going to..."
"You're not going to lose her Alex. Trust me."
"Alex. Is everything ok?" May-Li asked as she saw and came towards them in the garden. Alex wiped his tears away and he turned away from Charlie.
"Yes May-Li. Alex is just feeling a little rough."
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. What was in the newspaper that you wanted to show him Charlie?"
"There was a piece about a someone starting a homeless charity in the area. I didn't think that it would upset Alex."
"I was alone..." Alex said and they looked at him. "I can't lose everything again."
"Did it bring up bad memories for you Alex?" May-Li asked and Alex nodded.
"Ok. Charlie was only trying to be nice."
"I know. It's not her, it's just..."
"It's ok May-Li. We've talked it through and Alex just needed some fresh air."
"And some care from you. You're safe here Alex and you have a lot of people who care about you. What happened to you was terrible, but this charity will help to stop the same thing from happening to others."
"Yeah. I hope so..." Alex said and May-Li smiled as Charlie comforted him.

They stayed there for a few moments, then May-Li spoke.
"Shall we go back inside for dinner?" She asked and Alex nodded.
"Come on," Charlie said and they went inside.


"Hey," Charlie said as she came into Alex's room that evening. "I called our MP and asked about Alice. I pretended to be worried about the infection that she has spreading through the town."
"She's already started to recover. She's going to be ok Alex," Charlie said and Alex sighed in relief.
"I was really scared Charlie. I know that I've only met Alice once... but now I've found her, I can't lose her."
"She's your family Alex. Blood is thicker than water."
"I've never had a family before. It feels weird. To be so worried about someone that I hardly know."
"I bet that she felt something too. When she met you."
"You think so?"
"I do. She came here to talk to you about a newspaper clipping. It wasn't why you took it that interested her. It was who the boy was who stole it," Charlie said and Alex smiled before he let it fade.
"I can never see her again Charlie."
"You can Alex. You just have to heal wounds that you have with your mum first."
"Hey," Charlie said, and she put her hand onto Alex's leg. "It's going to be alright. I'm with you in this, and I'll support you."
"Thank you. It means a lot Charlie."
"For now, let's be happy that Alice is going to be ok."
"Ok. I can do that," Alex said, and he smiled.

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