Chapter 8

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Warning: Hints at depression

Every day is just like the last. Wake up, eat breakfast at the inn, go hang out in Diagon Alley, eat ice cream at the parlour and lunch/dinner at the inn, go hang out in their room, bed, repeat. They assumed this day would be just like all the rest except for one thing, the Weasleys were finally back from Egypt.

They got up and got ready for their days but when they walked downstairs for breakfast they were pleasantly surprised by the Weasley family sitting around one of the tables.


"Hiya Harry!" Ron shouts clasping his friend on the shoulder. Ron glances at Kathryn and she gives him a sort of half smile, but he ignores her.

She doesn't let it bother her and runs over to Ginny, throwing her arms around the girl. "Ginny! I missed you so much, there's so much to talk about."

Ginny sighs as a weight seems to lift off of her body. She could never tell Kathryn this but ever since they've become friends, being in her presence it feels as if all of the things that are bothering her, every stress, every qualm, doesn't seem to affect her anymore. Nothing can hurt her, there is a sort of shield of light, all around them. Since being freed of Tom Riddle's control she had felt a deep sort of sadness in her heart, a weight on her mind that never appeared to go away. It was hard for her this summer to even do the things she used to love or talk freely about her thoughts. She felt numb to life, spending most of her time just lying in bed. Her mother and father tried to talk to her but she just didn't know what to tell them. She didn't even know what she was feeling. Her brothers tried to make her smile, playing jokes and picking on Ron but it didn't cause much more than a small smile. Seeing their concern she really tried, she did, she would smile, she would laugh, but it wasn't real. None of it was real. But now things were different, she was just sitting in her chair, stirring her porridge when she heard her voice. Looking up from the bowl of sludge she is blinded by the smile on her friend's face. Her arms wrap around her, and the scent of her shampoo invades her nose. She cannot see through the curtain of red hair, the light fragmenting through it blinding her with shades of red and orange. A feeling of belonging and peace seems to shower over her, her muscles relax for the first time in literal months. She does her very best not to cry and just lays there in her arms. "I missed you too." She whispers.

Lily can feel that something has changed, and instead of pulling back, she moves ever closer, holding her just a little tighter.

Mrs. Weasley finishes hugging Harry and turns to see her daughter smile genuinely for the first time all summer. She smiles with joy and grabs her husband's arm. "I knew I liked that girl, look." She whispers.

Mr. Weasley looks at his little girl, feeling joy at her happy face.


Kathy gives Ginny all the time she needs knowing how important hugs are for your health. When Ginny does finally pull back Lily takes her hands. "I feel like you have a lot to tell me too."

The girls go upstairs to her and Harry's shared room. They sit on the bed and just spill out their thoughts and feelings from the entire summer. They take turns listening to each other, giving advice, laughing and crying with one another, and listening when necessary.

Ginny talks about her dark thoughts through the summer, explaining her need to please everyone; Lily tells her about Marge and the things her Aunt shouted after them and how they made her feel. They both listen patiently and try to help where they can, but they're both just kids. They don't know how to help one another when they don't know how to help themselves.

After their talk, they feel a lot better, lighter if you will.


Coming back downstairs, they giggle together as they discuss a boy Ginny's had her eye on.

"He's just so fit like I don't know how to explain it. And his hair is curly and cute I just... ugh!" A glob of this green goo lands on Ginny's head.

Kathryn gasps and staggers back, goo ricocheting off of Ginny's head and all around them. A small glob lands on Kathy's shoe. It begins to smoke so she sits and quickly takes her shoes off. Looking at it she sees that it hasn't burned or hurt it in any way, it has stained it green. She stands and looks at Ginny, helping her wipe it off her head, revealing brown hair underneath. "Ginny,"

Ginny bursts into tears, "It's bad isn't it, my hair is green!" She wails.

Her father rushes over, and her mother yells at Fred and George. Kathryn runs upstairs to get a towel.

"Oh, it looks lovely Gin." She shakes her head at her dad while he holds her face. "Honest Gin, it doesn't look bad at all."

"Ginny, it's not green," Kathryn says, wiping the rest of the goo off her head. Ginny looks at her in disbelief. "Truly, your hair is so bright of a red when the green combined with it it looks brown now. It's positively charming."

"Really," Ginny whimpers.

Her father and friend nod along. They aren't lying, brown compliments Ginny's skin tone very well. The girls go back upstairs so Ginny can wash her hair and change clothes. When they come back down Fred and George are standing there, heads to the ground.

"Hey, Gin, we're so sorry."

"Yeah, we didn't mean to hurt your feelings."

"It wasn't meant for you,"

"It was for Ron."

"But he didn't go upstairs,"

"Fast enough."

Ginny smiles softly at her brothers. "It would've been funny if it had happened to Ron." She gives them both a hug, and Kathy smiles at the scene.

Mrs. Weasley walks over. "Alright children, it is time for us to go shopping." They all walk out behind the Leaky Cauldron and into Diagon Alley. Their day is spent hanging out, shopping for new school supplies, and the like. Nothing too crazy, just having fun and buying the things they need.

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