"Im pregnant!"

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"Alright, let's get seated and wait til they arrive." Kelly said while getting out of the car.

"I'm nervous." I said while getting out.

"I don't know why, You know Mama Tina and Michelle are gonna be happy." 

I looked at myself in the reflection of the car and fixed my hair and clothes. "I know."

After entering the restaurant, Kelly and I went to our table and took a seat. As my mother and Michelle were yet to arrive, I used my phone to take and snap some pictures of myself.

"Y'all look good." I heard Michelle say.

When I looked back, I noticed Michelle standing behind me, radiating an astonishing glow. I can tell that she is being treated well by the man in her life, given her apparent happiness.

"Girl look at you!!!" Kelly said

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"Girl look at you!!!" Kelly said.

I chimed in. "Right!! You look absolutely gorgeous."

"Thanks, y'all!"

I looked around for my mama and I saw her talking to some guy. "Who is she talking to?" I asked Michelle.

"I was gonna ask you that. I have no clue." Michelle said.

My mama started walking over to us. "Hey, ladies." My mama said.

We all said hey.

"Before we get started. Would you like to tell us who that man is that you were talking to?" I asked.

She laughed. "I used to go to school with him."

"Mhm" At once, Kelly, Michelle, and I said at the same time before bursting into laughter.

After everyone got settled at the table. We all were looking at our menus trying to figure out what to eat and drink. I didn't have an appetite because I was already nervous about what I had to tell them.

"Bey and Kelly, we should get a margarita." Michelle said.

Kelly glanced over at me and raised her eyebrows. "Now's the time." Kelly said and hit my leg with her shoe under the table.

I rolled my eyes at her.

"I might as well get this over with." I said out loud.

My Mama and Michelle looked at me. "Get what over with?" They both said.

Just get it out Beyoncé, I said to myself. "I'm pregnant! I just found out last week."

They looked at each other and then looked back at me.

"I'm gonna be a grandma? I'm so happy, Congratulations sweetheart." My mama said to me.

"YESSSS, I can't wait to be an aunt!!" Michelle said. "It's the fact I knew something was up when we were out and you didn't wanna drink anything. I just knew it was odd."

"Thank you, mama."  I said. That was easier than I thought. "Kelly already knows. I told her earlier today."

"How about Jay?" My mama asked.

"Yes.. he knows." I mumbled.

The next day:

Despite my reluctance, I chose to return to the house and have a conversation with Jay. Although I'm not happy that he lied to me, I am willing to give him an opportunity to provide an explanation. My feelings for him remain strong, as I genuinely love him.

I unlocked the front door and walked into the house. I didn't see Jay in the living room so I went upstairs to see if he was in the bedroom. I opened the room door and I saw him lying down asleep. He looked so good, I've missed him so damn much..

"Jay" I said while tapping him on the back.

"Bey? Is that you?" Jay mumbled with his eyes still shut.

I chuckled. "It's me."

"I'm-..."  Jay started snoring.

I was looking at him while he was still sleeping, I just wanted to kiss his lips so bad. I couldn't help myself, I leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on his lips.

Jay moaned and opened his eyes. "Mm.. oh shit. Hey, I didn't know you were here."

"I called your name and you said 'Bey? Is that you?' And then you went back to sleep." I said while laughing.

Jay sat up and rubbed his eyes. when I looked into Jay's eyes, I noticed they were red and puffy as if he's been crying a lot. "Jay..." I said while sitting next to him and placing my hand on his cheek.

"Why are you looking at me like that...?" Jay asked.

I am beginning to feel guilty now. It would devastate me even more if Jay has been crying so much because I left him without allowing him to explain himself. I have never seen Jay cry this much, he isn't usually so emotional, and I really want to comfort him with a kiss and a hug.

"Have you been crying baby?" I asked Jay.

Jay's eyes filled up with tears, prompting him to abruptly leave the room without giving a response to my question as he headed towards the bathroom.

Something isn't right, I can feel it.

-uh oh, what's going on? Why has jay been crying so much?...

Thanks for reading this chapter 😘

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