8. The roar of the audience.

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The bass was loud, the drums were kickin' it and the guitar, well we all knew that guitar was being thrown around and beaten.

Mixelle was sitting on the side, watching and listening intently, whenever a roadie would walk by she would look up at them and they would smile and ruffle her hair.

Nikki walked over to get some water, however he cooed when he saw Mixelle sitting on the ground, her lips slightly pouted and her big eyes sparkling.

There was a break so he gently picked her up, carrying her on stage and letting her see the cheering audience, Mick rolled his eyes but smiled none the less.

Mixelle giggled as Nikki held her up high, as if she were Simba while the audience cheered loudly.

Mick held his daughter, playing with her soft blonde hair and smiling softly as she smiled widely.
"Daddy!" She giggled and nuzzled into his neck.

"I gotta let you down now," he said softly, "O-okay!" She hummed, he carried her to the side and a roadie gently picked her up and placed her down.

She watched, walking side to side to get the best angle whenever they would move around.
"You like watching your daddy play?" James, her favourite roadie asked with a  smile, she giggled and nodded, "Hey! Daddy cool!" She said, "Daddy cool," He sang, "Noo! You suck," she said making him laugh, picking her up and holding her on his waist so she could watch the rest of the show.

"Daddy's nearly done, see?" He smile and pointed to the set list, two more songs.
"What's a mutherfucker?" Mixelle asked pointing at the next song, "That's a naughty word baby, don't say those words," he said and played with her soft hair.

Two more songs and the show was up, the audience cheered while the band bowed and thanked them for coming along tonight.

"Daddy!" Mixelle yelled, "Whaty?" Mick chuckled, letting a guitar tech grab his guitar, "Daddy," she giggled, he picked her up and they went backstage, they had towels to dry the sweat off of themselves and Mick couldn't help but laugh as Mixelle cuddled into his chest as soon as he sat down.

"Hi," Mixelle hummed, smiling as Mick chuckled, "Hi," he smiled and laughed softly as she leaned up to kiss his cheek, "Love you," she said, "Love you too," he smiled and rubbed her back.

"Daddy, guess what?" She asked, "What?" He asked, "You're old and I'm not," she smiled, learning that off of Tommy, "Hey!" He huffed making her giggle, squealing as he tickled her tummy.

"Noo!" She whined and pouted, trying to win him over, "Oh no, no you don't," he said and rubbed her belly making her giggle, "This is torture!" She giggled making them laugh softly.

"Torture, huh baby?" Mick smiled and kissed her cheek, "Yeah!" She said, "I'm hungry," she said making them chuckle, "What's new?" Tommy asked, "Uh... Stuff!" She said and threw her fist forward gently in an exaggerated excited movement, they chuckled softly, "That was rhetorical darl," Mick said, "It was e-whaty-al?" She asked making them chuckle, "Means it's a question you're not meant to answer," he said, "Ohhh, daddy? Are you ancient or old? Wait! Don't answer! Cause you is none! You my daddy!" She yelled and cuddled into his chest making them all coo, he chuckled slightly and rubbed her back, "Whatever you say darl," he smiled.

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