1. The earliest.

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She was his youngest, and last child he would ever have, he made that rule.
She was small when she was born, and weak.
Doctors said she wouldn't make it passed a week, however she did, she pushed through and is slowly healing.

He would visit her in hospital everyday, smiling as she recognized his voice immediately and always looked up at him as he was stroke her hair gently or very lightly caress her sunken torso.

She was skinny, starved and she needed food, she had food given to her through IV.
"It'll all be okay..." Mick muttered, as if trying to calm him down over her, she just blinked and watched him as he grabbed her little hand, supposed to be chubby, it was bony and looked unhealthy.

He kissed her small hand, a tear falling from his eye as he rubbed his thumb over the small hand.

She wiggled around, looking up at him, before she heard footsteps.
"Hey man..." It was Nikki, he gently put his hand on Mick's back, he too looked at the little one in horror, she was so tiny and vulnerable.

"She's my last," Mick said, "Yeah man," Nikki chuckled softly and rubbed his back, gently inspecting the little girl who yawned and wiggled, when she yawned, her torso sunk inwards even more, she was so tiny that Mick thought she may snap like a rubber band just from yawning.

"Oh you sweet, sweet thing..." Nikki cooed and gently kissed her forehead, "It'll be okay, your daddy is trying real hard man," he said, "Or... Girl," he smiled, the little one than glanced over at her father and stared at him for a while.

Mick brought his warm hand up to very gently caress her cheek making her babble as she wiggled and tried reaching for his hand.

"She's gonna get better Micky," Nikki said softly, "I sure hope so..." Mick sighed, the door opened very gently, a quiet knock, it was early in the morning so the hospital was quiet.

It was Vince, he slowly crept over and smiled softly, "Hey man," Vince said, Mick smiled a bit and turned to his daughter, "Vince I'm sorry about-" Vince cut him off, "Don't worry about that now, we're here for Mixy," Vince smiled and gently caressed her face, she thought it was perfectly fine, not knowing how in danger she really was.

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