9. Passion.

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Mick couldn't help but smile at the amount of times, he'd be sitting on his bed, scrolling through his phone, when he'd see his four year old walk in holding her guitar, hop up onto his bed and beg him to teach her something new.

"Again?" He chuckled as she came back again in the same day, "Daddy, that one is hard!" She pouted, "Which one?" He asked, "The uhh... This thing," she said and showed him a piece of paper, he hand wrote her a few tabs and gave her the metronome so she could keep in time.

"Ohhh, is it too fast?" He asked, "No, daddy look," she said and when she went to press on the 12th fret it buzzed, "Ah, you find the higher frets tricky huh?" He hummed, she nodded her head, "It's a learning obstacle that's for sure, smaller frets is less room for your fingers," he said and rubbed his chin as he thought of ideas.

"Okay... Let's go to the studio," he said, his in home studio was huge...
She hopped up and gave him her hand, he chuckled and held her hand as they went to the music room.

"Hey daddy, what made you wanna play?" She asked curiously, "Good question baby, I guess I loved Jimi Hendrix, Michael Bloomfield, Jeff Beck, Eric Clapton, you know that good shit," he smiled softly.

"You said naughty word," she said making him chuckle, "Oops," he said and plugged his guitar in, "Daddy, what's your favourite colour?" She asked, he smiled softly and ruffled her hair, "Clear," he said, "Clear... That's cool!" She giggled, "I like black! And blood red!" She said, "Blood red?" He asked, "Yeah, it's like a horror movie! Bleghhhh!" She said trying to be scary making him chuckle, "You're very scary sweetie," he said and kissed her forehead making her smile widely.

He taught her a few things and watched as she noodled on her guitar.
"Daddy, I saw something with Tommy," she hummed, "Oh god," he chuckled, "Paul Gilbert said 4, 5th and 9th!" She squawked, "Yeah, that's a big stretch huh?" He hummed, "What the f- what the fu... Frick?!" She squawked making him chuckle.

"Daddy, my head feels funny again," she said rubbing her sore head, "Does it?" He asked and pressed his hand against her forehead, "Mm, a little warm," he frowned and moved their guitars.


"Yeah?" She asked walking in, "Can you get her meds for me please?" Mick sighed, she nodded and jogged off.

"What's wrong with me?" Mixelle asked, "You've got a brain disorder baby, don't be scared," he said softly, "Uh?" She asked, "It's like, you know how you're scared of lightning?" He asked, she nodded, "It's like that, but in your head," he said, "Woah..." She said, "Mhm, it'll be okay," he cooed.

"Will it go away?" She asked, "It can, but you need meds for that," he said and let her climb onto his lap.

Seraina came back with the syringe, it went into her mouth and tasted really gross.
"Come on, open," Mick said softly, "Yucky," she pouted, "I know it's yucky, I'll give you some chocolate after, how's that sound?" He hummed, she nodded her head and opened her mouth, he injected the liquid medicine into her mouth, she hissed dramatically making them chuckle, "I know, it's not pleasant," he smiled softly and kissed her forehead.

"Daddy, is it scary when I has the seizures?" She asked, "Yeah baby, it's real worriesome, but daddy's brave," he said softly, "Yeah! Daddy's super brave," she giggled making him smile as he held her hand, they went around the house together and seen as it was already night time, he grabbed a piece of chocolate and let her have some before her bath.

"Ready?" He asked as she had to pick pajamas, "Yeah... Where'd my thingies go?" She asked looking around her closet, "Thingies?" He chuckled, "My black ones," she pouted, he walked over and searched with her, finding them so he held her hand, taking her to the bathroom and chuckling as she jumped up to try and close the window.

"Daddy! They'll see my naked butt!" She whined, "Oh stop, no they won't," he chuckled and closed the window to make her feel safe anyways.

He watched her as she filled the tub, she got him to pick a soap, he sniffed one that he deamed smelt nice and put it into the tub.

"I love you," he said softly, "I love you too," she giggled, taking her clothes off and sliding into the warm water, he sat on the edge of the bathtub, smiling as she played with the bubbles, he gently splashed the water over her head to wash her hair.

He couldn't help but chuckle as she told him about some weird dream.
"Can you believe him? That man walked out on me and I had a baby!" She huffed, "Wow, sweetie that's awful," he sighed, tsking softly and chuckling as he heard her sigh, "Sometimes men are poopy heads," she said making him laugh, "Yeah?" He smiled, "Mhm, and women take thousands of years to get ready," she hummed making him snicker, "Ya got that right," he smiled and rubbed her shoulder.

"If I had another brother, what would you name him?" She asked, "I don't know," he hummed, "Oh, if I had a son I'd name him... Uh... Draven," she giggled, already being obsessed with The Crow, "Oh really?" He smiled, "Mhm, and if I had a girl, I'd name her... Desdemona, or... Or maybe Ramona," she said, "Yeah? Those are some cool names baby," he said, "Yeah, they sound dark and evil!" She giggled, "Yeah," he chuckled.

"Ramona is like the Ramones," she said, "You like the Ramones?" He asked, "Yeah, they're good," she said, "Mhm," he smiled.

"But daddy, I has a question," she said patting his knees, "Yeah?" He asked, "Why do they have bad hair cuts?" She asked making him snicker, "Darlin, the 60s was a weird decade," he chuckled, "Yeah, you're old," she said, "Sure am," he smiled, heading her giggled before he picked her up from the tub and unplugged it, drying her and chuckling as she was shaking like a dog as he ruffled her hair with the towel.

"Daddy!" She huffed making him snicker, "Gimme that!" She hissed and snatched it, drying her hair gently making him chuckle, "I love you," he said softly, "I love you too, you're old," she smiled making him roll his eyes.

She put her clothes on and giggled as he held her hand and lead her to her room.
"Hey daddy, you know the love song?" She asked, "Uh... Huh?" He frowned, "You know, ten seconds to love!" She squawked, "Ohhh, yeah, yeah?" He hummed, "I can hear you singing in that one," she giggled, "Yeah, daddy doesn't like singing," he smiled, "Me neither, it's awkward..." She frowned, "Yeah," he chuckled and tucked her in, Delilah, their cat ran in and jumped on her, "Hey, shoo," Mick said, Delilah purred and nuzzled up to Mixelle making her giggle as she cuddled the cat close.

"So lucky," Mick sighed and Pat them both on the head, "Nice chicken legs," he said, "Night daddy," she giggled.

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