14. Assembly.

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Mick couldn't help but chuckle as his now seven year old ran up to him, holding a poster, her hair flying like mad as she grabbed his hand and went to the car with him.

"How was school?" He asked as he drove them home, "Daddy! There's an assembly soon and miss is saying I can play my guitar!" She said with excitement, "Wow, that's awesome sweetie," he smiled softly.

She watched his hand as he switched the gears on his car before eventually he ended up turning the car to a halt and they got out and went back into their warm home.

"What's this theme for your assembly huh?" He asked as he walked inside with her, "Well, that's why you're gonna be my coach," she said making him chuckle as she made him follow her, "It's 80s stuff!" She said, sitting on his lap making him sniffle out a laugh, "80s stuff huh?" He asked as he played with her fringe, "Yeah! Daddy you gotta teach me all about it!" She smiled and interlocked their fingers, "What if I don't?" He smiled, "Than you suck," she said with a shrug making him chuckle.

"Let's get down to business."


About a month had passed and Mixelle was bouncing on her feet as her father grabbed some accessories for her to wear for her assembly.

"Sit still," he chuckled as she was jumping as if she had sugar, she giggled, smiling widely as she looked up at her father who rolled his eyes.

"Sit," he said, she sat back down on her bed for the fifth time that night, the show was in two hours and she couldn't stop running around the house and squawking with excitement.

"Oh my goodness," he sighed as she was still bouncing around.
He pushed her onto her back and put the mismatched neon socks on her feet making her giggle.

"You're so lucky I love you so fucking much," Mick said making her smile widely, "I love you too," she giggled and hugged him making him smile as he patted her back.

"Time for the hair," he said and got up, rubbing his lower back before making his way down to the bathroom, her following hot in his tail.

"You're a little shit," he smirked as she bonked into the counter, she laughed and held her forehead, "Ow," she giggled, "That's what you get," he said and kissed her forehead before making her sit on the edge of the bathtub.

He teased and raked his way through her haid, hairspray flying every where making her cough slightly.

"Pick one," he said, holding gold and silver glitter, "Both," she said, he shrugged and sprinkled both into her hair.

"I love you," he said as he ruffled her hair up, "I love you too," she said, he stood back a bit to look at it before humming slightly, "Ooh, gimme that!" She said pointing at black face paint, he passed it over, she stood in front of the mirror and drew two small stars either side of her cheek.

"Mm," Mick hummed and shrugged, grabbing Shutter Shades and putting them on her, "Lookin pretty snazzy," he said making her giggle.

She rushed to get her guitar, they went to the assembly area and Mixelle was jumping around, even her uncles came to see and she was giggling as she bounced like a weirdo.

"Excited? Little 80s girl?" Nikki smiled, "Hell yeah, man!" She said and aggressively high fived him making him chuckle as he watched the assembly with the boys while she sat with her class.

It was going through all the decades, when suddenly 80s was called, the curtains were drawn and there was a bit of shuffeling before the curtain fell down, revealing a cute sleepy boy, dressed in leather and nearly falling asleep by the prop motorbike, "Aww, look at the little one," Tommy chuckled and pointed, "Kiddo needs some sleep," Nikki chuckled.

'Nothings gonna stop us' by Starship began playing, still the little boy was sleepy, his big brother from Mixelle's class had to scoop him up and put him on the motorbike prop making the parents all coo.

"Little boy needs some rest ASAP," Vince chuckled and smiled as they watched the set.
"Wheres Mixelle?" Tommy asked, even Mick shrugged.

That's when she ran on right as the guitar solo was due.

The boys chuckled as they watched her, she looked just like her old man did once upon atime, she was slightly arched backwards as she let her guitar squeal and sing a melody.

At the end of her solo she did a few spins until she was out of sight, hidden behind the curtain.
"She's got the oomph down pat," Tommy smiled making her father chuckle, "I teach my children well," Mick said making them chuckle.

As the show was done she ran up to them, "Did ya see it? Did ya did ya did ya?!" She gasped, "Yeah, you rocked that!" Nikki cheered and they high fived her making her giggle.

"Finally got you changed this evening, god damn," Mick sighed, "I had to get her to sit down 5 times!" He huffed making them chuckle, "You were just excited, weren't ya?" Tommy smiled and ruffled her hair, "Yeah!" She giggled and went with them to the car park, they spoke there for a bit before Mixelle ended up getting sleepy, blinking a few times and falling asleep standing up before shaking out of it and waking up.

"I think dudes all tired out, best take her to bed man," Nikki chuckled, "Yeah, come on hon," Mick said, opening the door for her, she hopped in and he said his goodbyes before going home.

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