Ch 18 True Graduation Duel

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Jaden was smiling as everyone ran to congratulating him on saving the world yet again. Jaden smiled at Alexis, and he gave her a big kiss. Chazz still wasn't happy but smiled for Jaden had not only saved him but also shown him that failing is not a bad thing. Syrus was remembering Jaden's first year at DA and knew that Jaden would go on to become the greatest duelist there ever was. Then Axel showed back up in time to watch Jaden and the gang graduate from DA. Jesse also decided to stick around for the party.

So, at the graduation ceremony Alexis, Chazz, and Syrus won the prize which was a replica of Yugi's deck that they could use. All of them turned it down and believed in their own deck. Alexis was the one that had to give a speech for the class. Alexis said "it has been a great three years at DA, and I have made so many good friends. We have faced so much these past three years and shown that not only courage but also our love for the game. We learned, lived, and love for this game and now it is time to go out into the world to make a name for ourselves."

Everyone clapped as her speech ended and Sheppard gave out the diplomas for each person. Crowler was also in tears and was taken out of the room. Jaden got his diploma and gave a kiss to Alexis and they both walked out of the school with their heads held high. Jaden said, "so what do you want to do now that we have graduated?" Alexis said, "I heard that Kaiba is opening up a school for dueling in Domino City so maybe we could go back there and start a life there together."

Jaden said "I would like that very much. Both Alexis and Jaden returned to the Slifer red dorm one last time before leaving. Then Winged Kuriboh wanted to have Jaden follow him and both Alexis and Jaden followed but because Alexis couldn't see Winged Kuriboh she was having a hard time following Jaden. They then appeared in a clearing where nobody was around, and Jaden was confused. Then someone appeared out of the woods, and it was none other than Yugi Muto Jaden smiled at this and Alexis was smiling as well.

Jaden said, "Yugi, I didn't know you were here." Yugi said, "ya I heard about all that you have went through and thought I would give you a true Graduation duel." Jaden said, "yes I would like that very much, but I have to give back something that I don't need anymore." Yugi said, "what is that?" Jaden took out the three Egyptian god cards and gave them back. Yugi said "you earn then Jaden. Why do you not want them?" Jaden said, "I have faith now in my deck that having the gods would not help me a much as it did before."

Yugi took the cards and shuffled them into his deck. Jaden and Yugi started their duel disks and said "duel." Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I play Polymerzation to fuse Elemental Heroes Avian and Burstinatrix to fusion summon Elemental Hero Flame Wingman to the field in attack mode. (2100atk) I will end my turn with a face down." Yugi said "my turn, I draw. I summon Mystical Elf  to the field in defense mode. (2000def) I activate the spell Magical Dimension to tribute Mystical Elf to summon Dark Magician to the field in attack mode. (2500atk) Due to Magical Dimension your Flame Wingman is destroyed."

Jaden watched as Flame Wingman was destroyed. Yugi said, "I now attack you directly." Jaden said, "I play my face down Negate Attack, which ends the battle phase." Yugi said, "I will end my turn with two face downs." Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I summon Elemental Hero Bubbleman to the field in defense mode. (1200def) Now I can draw two cards if Bubbleman was the only card on my side of the field. I will end my turn with three face downs." Alexis could see that this was really going to be a duel to remember.

Yugi said "my turn, I draw. I summon Obnoxious Celtic Guardian to the field in attack mode. (1400atk) I activate Thousand Knives to destroy all your monsters. Now I attack with the Dark Magician." Jaden said "I play my face down A Hero Emerges. This allows me to summon a monster from my hand, but you pick it at random, but because I only have one card in my hand, I can summon Elemental Hero Neos to the field in attack mode." (2500atk) Yugi said "I will end my turn for now."

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