Ch 11 Graduation Duel Tournament

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In Domino city a boy was sleeping on his desk and his cards lay all over the desk. The kid remembered that he lost the duels to his friends. They said that he was weak and that he could not duel anyone because it was an easy win. The kid thought that he needed to get stronger. Then a gust of wind blew his cards to the ground. He went to pick up his cards when one of his cards went black. Then Trueman appeared and said "you made that card." The kid said "how did I make that card?"

Trueman said "it was your grief, anger, and pain that caused that card to be tainted by the darkness. If you want to be stronger then embarrass the power of darkness." The kid said "if I do will I become stronger?" Trueman said "yes you will and now it is time to join us in the world of darkness." Trueman shattered into many cards and the cards began to swirl around the kid and he screamed at the top of his lungs. His parents were downstairs and went to the bottom of the stairs.

They both watched as their son appeared at the top of the steps. The dad said "what was that all about son?" The boy said "you're worried and concerned about me, aren't you? I was tired of always concerning you mom and dad." Mom said "what are you saying, son?" Son said "it is alright mom and dad's worries shall disappear. Let us go to the world of Darkness." The boy's eyes began to glow and the three of them were taken to the realm of darkness. Now Trueman could start the plan to have everyone become one in the realm of darkness.

Meanwhile the school had gathered was also there to listen to what Sheppard had to say. Sheppard said "is school year was good so now come the final test for all of you that are going to graduate this year. So the rules for this year's duel tournament is that you need to collect 100 duel points will get you a prizes. But first you get one point for each duel you are in. You earn one point for each 1st year you beat. You earn two points for each 2nd year you beat. You earn three points for each 3rd year you beat."

The crowd began to talk about this system and how it would effect them. Sheppard continued to say "the people with the most duel points will get their decks on display and they will be able to get cards that the king of games had in his deck." Everyone was shocked to hear that and they all wanted to get their hands on that deck. The group of students were allowed to leave and they all wanted to duel someone. Chazz, Alexis, Syrus, and Atticus were in the main hall talking about how this could be the last time they duel one another.

Jaden and Hassleberry where walking back to the Slifer dorm and Hassleberry was hyped by the chance to get Yugi's deck. Then Jaden saw that a bunch of Ra yellow and Obelisk blue students were at the Slifer dorm. The group of students turned and saw that Jaden was back. They all wanted to duel him and a boy by the name of Daigo Sorano wanted to be the first to duel Jaden. Hassleberry told Jaden that he should duel him because he was the best 2nd year at the school.

Jaden and Daigo took their places to duel and both of them said "duel." Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I summon Dandylion to the field in defense mode. (300def) I end my turn with a face down." Daigo said "my turn, I draw. I summon Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV4 to the field in attack mode. (1600atk) I play the spell card Level Up to allow me to summon Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6 to the field in attack mode. (2300atk) I now attack your Dandylion." Jaden said "because Dandylion was sent to the graveyard I get two fluff token on the field."

Daigo said "I play one card face down and end my turn. Now Horus levels up because he destroyed a monster in battle this turn so come forth Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8 to the field in attack mode." (3000atk) Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I summon Cross Porter to the field in defense mode. (400def) I play the spell E - Emergency Call which allows me to add a Elemental Hero from my deck and add it to my hand." Daigo said "Horus effect activates and negates and destroys you spell card." Jaden said "I remove from play E - Emergency Call to summon Spell Striker to the field in attack mode." (600atk)

The crowd was interested in this new monster of his. Jaden said "now I have my monster attack you directly. (Daigo's LP 3400) I end my turn." Daigo said "my turn, I draw. I play the spell card Stop Defense to force one of your token into attack mode. (0atk) I now attack your token." Jaden said "I play my face down Secret Mission which allows you to target another monster on the field or end the battle phase." Daigo said "I play my face down Royal Decree which negates all trap card on the field."

Daigo said "my attack still continues. (Jaden's LP 1000) I play the continuous spell card Sealer Formation. I end my turn." Jaden said "my turn, I draw. I use Cross Porter which allows me to tribute a monster which I choose Spell Striker. I can now summon Neo-Spacian Flare Scarab to the field in attack mode. (500atk) Now I tribute both my Cross Porter and Fluff token to summon Elemental Hero Neos to the field in attack mode. (2500atk) I now send both Neos and Flare Scarab back to my deck to contact fuse them to fusion summon Elemental Hero Flare Neos to the field in attack mode." (2500atk)

Hassleberry knew that this duel was over. Jaden said "my monster gains 400 attack for each spell and trap on the field. (3300atk) Now Flare Neos attack his Horus. (Daigo's LP 3100) I now play the spell card Contact out which allows me to defuse my Neos and summon back Flare Scarab and Neos to the field in attack mode. Now Flare Scarab gains 400 attack for each spell and trap you have. (1300atk) Now Scarab attack him directly. (Daigo's LP 1800) Now Neos finish him off with comic crush." (Daigo's LP 0)

They were all stunned by Jaden's win but Daigo took the lose well and walked into the forest not knowing that darkness was near. The other Ra yellow and Obelisk blue students wanted to duel Jaden and he did and he beat every single one of them. Daigo was walking and he felt that his deck was going to win but he looked at his cards and darkness appeared over it. Then darkness shot out of his cards and Trueman had come. Daigo said "who are you?" Trueman said "I am the one awakened from the darkness of your heart."

Trueman then shattered into pieces them turn into a look alike of Daigo. Trueman then said "from now on I am you. I will have the original you perish." The duel took not very long and Trueman had won and Daigo disappeared and was taken by the darkness. Jaden then felt that something was wrong and Jaden got on his phone and called Axel and told him that things were getting bad at DA. Axel said the same thing that almost everyone had been taken. Jaden got on a boat and headed to Domino City. Axel then followed a boy and then ran into a large alley and hit a dead end and Trueman had appeared and laughed has his next victim had come. 

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