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Jiayi's first class had finally come to an end, and she let out a sigh of relief. The lecture had been overwhelming, with the professor bombarding them with information and assignments. She couldn't wait to take a break and grab some lunch.

As Jiayi made her way through the crowded cafeteria, scanning the tables for an empty spot, she heard her brother's voice calling out to her. She turned around and saw Renjun waving her over.

"Mèi!!!". He was sitting with a group of boys, and her nerves instantly kicked in.

She approached the table. She was cool and composed. Renjun stood up and greeted her with a warm smile.

"Mèi! Come join us," he said, motioning for her to take a seat. "Let me introduce you to my friends."

Jiayi glanced at the table 'one two three four fi- holy dude that's too much!'

She acted cool despite being anxious and walked towards the table with ease.

"Jiayi, this is Mark," Renjun said, gesturing to a boy with blue hair and a friendly smile. "He's one of my closest friends and an all-around great guy."

"Nice to meet you, Jiayi," Mark said, extending his hand. "Renjun has told us a lot about you."

Jiayi shook Mark's hand, feeling a bit more at ease with his welcoming demeanor. Next, Renjun introduced Jeno, who had a laid-back vibe and a friendly grin.

"This is Jeno. The calmest guy you'll ever meet," Renjun said, earning a chuckle from Jeno. "He's always got a cool head on his shoulders."

"Hi Jiayi!!!!" Jeno said, while smiling. Jiayi smiled at him.

Next, Renjun motioned to a guy with dark-red-ish hair. He seemed like a charismatic boy with a twinkle in his eye.

"Jaemin is the life of the party," Renjun said with a laugh. "He's always up for a good time."

"Hey, Jiayi! Welcome to the group," Jaemin said, flashing her a friendly wink. "Don't worry, we won't bite." She chuckled at his gesture.

Chenle, the next friend to be introduced, had an infectious energy about him. He greeted Jiayi with enthusiasm.

"Nice to meet you, Jiayi! I'm Chenle!!" Chenle exclaimed. "Renjun has told us so much about you. We're glad to have you here."

Finally, Renjun introduced Jisung, who had a warm and gentle smile.

"Jisung is the youngest, but don't let that fool you. He's wise beyond his years." She smiled at the boy who seemed to be quiet.

"Hi noona. Uh- I thought you'd be older than me so-." Jisung said that was somewhat like a whisper. "Hi Jisung. It's okay, you can call me that. "

Jiayi exchanged pleasantries with Jisung, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. She was starting to feel more comfortable around Renjun's friends.

These boys were welcoming and friendly, and she was grateful that Renjun had such good company.

"There's one more person who is yet to come. He's always late" Renjun said while sighing.

Jiayi sat down and started eating. Then she noticed a familiar figure taking a seat across from her.

"Yo dude! You're late. Again." Mark exclaimed.

"Hey! I'm sorry." Jiayi recognised the voice. She looked up and her smiled dropped in an instant. It was Haechan, and the tension in the air was palpable. The once amicable atmosphere turned icy in an instant.

Haechan's smile disappeared, and he stared at Jiayi with a challenging expression. The two locked eyes, and it was clear that neither of them was willing to back down.

"So, we meet again," Haechan said, his voice laced with sarcasm.

Jiayi crossed her arms, her gaze unwavering. "Seems like fate has a twisted sense of humor."

The table fell silent as the two of them engaged in a staring battle. They exchanged sharp looks each trying to assert their dominance and prove their superiority.

"Oh Yeah! You're both in the same course. Nuclear Engineering, right Mèi?" Renjun broke the silence.

"Yeah and we're deskmates, unfortunately." Jiayi implied with a tint of annoyance.

"Hey! You were the one who sat near me" Haechan said with much offence.

"Excuse me?! I sat there because it was the only seat available. It was probably empty because no one wants to sit near you" Jiayi defended.

Haechan scoffed "You should know that the girls would kill to be in your position, talking to the Lee Haechan." He said.

"You're delusional." Jiayi gave him an evil grin. And she went back to what she was doing, eating.

The table was silent with Haechan and Jiayi glaring at each other every  minute. While the atmosphere between them was starting to get scary, the others couldn't help but find the situation somewhat amusing.


Lunch was over and it was now time for Jiayi's next class. She groaned as she stood and made her way out of the cafeteria with Renjun and the others.

"So Mèi, What class do you have now?" Renjun asked.

"Chemistry. I hate it" she groaned.

"Why'd you take Nuclear Engineering then?" Chenle asked with curiosity.

"I love every part of studying Nuclear Engineering but I really can't do chemistry. I've hated chemistry ever since high school." She explained.

"But you scored A's in every exam including chemistry in highschool?! How'd you do that?" Renjun exclaimed with surprise.

"Because I study dumb- Oi! It hurts! Ahhh! Fine! I'm sorry." Jiayi rubbed her ears which were now red.

"Bye Mèi! See you later" Renjun bid her, smiling like nothing happened before.

"Bye" Jiayi hissed in pain as she walked to her classroom.

She sighed before entering the room, 'okay girl, you can do it. Just ignore him and try not to cause any commotion.'

AyoooooHow is it?! I wrecked my brain for this👀And I don't have any ideas for the next chapter

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How is it?!
I wrecked my brain for this👀
And I don't have any ideas for the next chapter.

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