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The next morning

Jiayi's eyes opened wide as the soft glow of the early morning light filtered through her curtains.

The clock on her bedside table read 4:30, and she groaned inwardly at the thought of waking up so early.

Muttering a few curses in Mandarin to herself, she swung her legs over the edge of the bed and planted her feet on the floor.

With heavy legs, Jiayi shuffled her way to the bathroom, the cold tiles sending a shiver up her spine. She turned on the shower and let the warm water wash away the remnants of sleep from her body.

The refreshing cascade helped to wake her up, and she emerged from the bathroom feeling more alert and ready to face the day.

As she reached for her phone, Jiayi noticed a few messages waiting for her. Her heart warmed at the sight of a message from her mom.


Hey honey! I hope everything's fine. Lot's of love💚

Everything's fine mom. Jun and I are doing well. Love you too<3

Another message caught her attention, this one from Renjun.


Hey Mèi, I've stashed some snacks in the bottom right cupboard in the kitchen. Enjoy your breakfast!

Jiayi chuckled at her brother's thoughtfulness. He knew her all too well—snacks were her weakness, especially in the mornings.

Just as she was about to head to the kitchen to retrieve her beloved snacks, another message notification popped up on her screen.

It was from an unknown number, and Jiayi's curiosity was piqued. She opened the message and was pleasantly surprised to see that it was written in Chinese.


Good Morning!! It's Chenle. Renjun-ge gave me your number.

I wanted to ask if we could walk to the University together! I'll pick you from the apartment.

Dw, I know where it is:)

Jiayi couldn't help but chuckle at Chenle's enthusiasm. He was always full of energy and had a knack for brightening up any room he entered.

Jiayi saved Chenle's number and quickly typed a response


Hi Chenle! Good morning.
And yeah sure! Let me know when you reach^_^.

With that, Jiayi made her way to the kitchen, her anticipation growing. She opened the specified cupboard, and true to Renjun's word, there were her favorite snacks neatly arranged.

She couldn't resist grabbing a handful to munch on as she got ready for the day ahead.

After enjoying her impromptu breakfast, Jiayi went to her room and picked out a casual outfit.

'This should do, hm.'

As she applied a light touch of makeup and ran a brush through her hair.

Just as she finished getting ready, a notification pinged on her phone. It was Chenle, letting her know that he had arrived at her apartment building.

Jiayi grabbed her bag, slipped on her shoes, and made her way to the front entrance.

When she stepped outside, she spotted Chenle waiting, a bright smile on his face and by his side was Jisung.

Chenle greeted her with a wide grin, excitement radiating from him. "JieJie!!"

Jiayi smiled back at Chenle's infectious enthusiasm. "Hi Le. Hi Ji! I didn't know you were coming too."

Jisung waved at her, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

"He wasn't actually coming but he found out I was picking you up, and he couldn't resist joining in!" Chenle exposed him.

"Hey! I gave you the idea! " Jisung spat.

Jiayi's heart melted at those words.

"Awwwwww" she cooed at the both of them.

She saw both Chenle and Jisung as younger brothers, and their affection for her warmed her heart. "Oh my gAwwwd! Istg I love you both already! You're gonna have so much fun with around."

Jiayi playfully ruffled their hairs. While doing so, she noticed a scar on Jisung's face. She furrowed her brows, curious about the scar but kept herself from questioning him.

They walked together with silence. The silence wasn't awkward but was comfortable. Jiayi felt a warm sensation that she only felt with her family.

"Noona?" Jisung called out.

"Hm?" Jiayi responded.

"Renjun hyung's a devil. I hope you're not." He spat.

Jiayi chuckled at the sudden question.

"Yeah!!" Chenle chimed in, voiced laced with humour.

"He's actually the calmest one in the family after my dad. I'm worse." Jiayi implied with a laugh.

The trio continued their walk, their conversation flowing effortlessly. Jiayi felt a deep sense of comfort and belonging in their presence.

With a contented sigh, Jiayi linked her arms with Chenle and Jisung, their camaraderie evident in their intertwined limbs.

"You know, guys, I'm really happy to have you both. Thank you!"

Chenle grinned, his eyes shining with warmth. "JieJie, the feeling is mutual. We're lucky to have you too."

Jisung nodded enthusiastically, his smile bright. "Absolutely. You're the best!"

Jiayi's smile grew wider as he said those words. "Wait till I tell Jun you called me the best!"

The walk to the university flew by, and before they knew it, they had arrived at their destination. Jiayi, Chenle and Jisung said their goodbyes, promising to meet up during lunch.

I know I knowDisappointing :/Stay thrilled because I'm still learning 👁️👄👁️Doodles!

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I know I know
Disappointing :/
Stay thrilled because I'm still learning 👁️👄👁️

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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