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02 : usj I

eiko dragged her feet to school. she had spent the whole night running around musutafu, especially near the border of yuuei, killing many lower moon 6. the demon had been kidnapping the rich and killing them, while robbing their houses. no one knew what the demon planned to do with the money or where it was now.

nonetheless, it was a weak lower moon, the second lower moon 6 eiko had killed in her 3 years as a hashira and 4 years as a demon slayer.

"please, don't kill me, i have a family!" the demon blinked and his eyes opened to reveal his rank. "do you know who i am?" he hissed. "i am the master's fastest rising demon. after i kill and eat you, i'll be a upper moon!" the demon slashed at the man's arm. "i was turned into a demon only 6 months ago, when YOUR bodyguards beat me near to death cause you said i was bothering you!" the demon slashed at the man's leg, as a scream erupted from the man's throat. "AND ALL I WAS DOING WAS ASKING YOU IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO MAKE A DONATION TO THE POOR! SO THAT I COULD SUPPORT MY FAMILY! now that i'm stronger, i can slowly TORTURE you and eat you up!" the demon man laughed as he kicked the rich man against the wall and raised his hand for the final strike.

"I'LL KILL YOU!" the demon raged but before he could do anything, his head was cut off.

"breath of the moon, seventh form: mirror of misfortune, moonlit."

eiko jumped in, bursting through a closed window and slashed off his head in one clean swipe. the demon's head landed on the ground with a thud.

"hey, hEY, HEY! how dare you behead me! i'm lower moon 6! one of the 12 kizuki! a weak slayer like you can never be-"

"lower moon 6?" eiko laughed. "don't joke around. i've slayed many demons of lower rank than you, and let me tell you, you were one of the easiest demons to behead. goodbye."  she watched as the demon's body disintergrated.

"tch, looks like he passed out...i'll call the ambulance amd leave."

eiko jumped back out of the window just as the ambulance's sirens were heard.

she really didn't want to be in class. her lack of sleep and the noise the class was making early in the morning was causing her a headache. having graduated long ago, she forgot how difficult it was to wake up early for school.

the demon slayer corps had school their younger slayers to at least a few grades above them, so they would not fall behind other kids their age. eiko had long finished her education.

she groaned as she slammed her head onto her desk, eyes closing until she sensed a presense outside the door. she sat up and forced her eyes to open. 'some adrenaline right now would help'

and her wish was not granted.

ectoplasm entered the room, signalling the start of math class.


"change into your hero costumes. we're headed to the usj." aizawa announced 1 hour after lunch. during lunch, eiko had sat with the girls as promised but all she did was silently eat her udon, much to the girls' disappointment. they had wanted to get to know her more so they took the next opportunity to do so.

in the girls locker room, the girls quickly changed into their hero costumes and turned eagerly to eiko to see what her hero costume looked like. she quickly wore her top, not wanting them to see the scars she got from missions when she first started.

eiko buttom up the top of her demon slayer uniform, pulled on her black boots (like the one kanao has) and wore her dark red haori. the familarity of the uniform gave her a sense of comfort and she secured her katana to the side, mostly hidden in her haori. she didn't feel like answering questions about it that day.

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