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03: usj II

all might entered, a frown on his face. he looked at the chaos and the scared face of the students. he saw his colleaugues, thriteen being held by mina and uraraka as the back of her body was disintergrated. he saw tsuyu and mineta slowly climbing up the stairs, carrying a unconscious aizawa.

all might was fuming, but he couldn't show it. if only he had gotton here earlier. if only he had save some of his time so that he could join the students.

but he smiled anyways.

he jumped down the stairs, knocking the villians who had just woken up back into unconsciousness.

"carolina smash!" all might landed a punch on the nomu. all might ended up breaking todoroki's ice that held the nomu away, but his punch had no effect on the nomu. "what? no effect?"

shigaraki laughed at all might's weak attempt. "he has a shock absorption and regeneration quirk. you'll only win by ripping him into pieces! your attacks will never work!"

"thanks for the information! kids, get back up there now!"  all might jumped into action, attacking the nomu

however, todoroki and midoriya refused.

eiko could sense the powerful presense of the nomu, more powerful than all might, all most like a low level demon. it was her job to slay demons, but it didn't burn in the sun and feel like a demon. she was in a dilemma.

to slay or not to slay?

the leader was a human. so wouldn't that mean the nomu was a mutated human? demons wouldn't listen to humans so easily. if the nomu was a human, then she couldn't interfear.

demon slayers and heros didn't mix. they were recognised by the government since only they could stop the demons, but the government didn't want the general public to know about the existance of these demons. they were given a different type of license to show that they were a demon slayer, not some sword vigilante. only a small minority of underground heros and the higher ups of the police force knew about the demon slayer corps, and if they were to reveal the secret, there would be serious consequences. (no, aizawa, nezu and the yuuei staff don't know about the demon slayer corps). limelight heros like all might also didn't know about the corps.

that doesn't mean that she wouldn't step in if anything goes wrong.

so she dragged midoriya and todoroki away. she knew that things were about to get messy and they woukd just be in the way of all might. they protested but eiko was too strong.

"if something goes wrong, we'll go help." eiko said using her hashira voice again and they stopped struggling. eiko let go of them, deciding to trust that they wouldn't run off.

but she was wrong.

"midoriya!" eiko screamed in anger and frustration. "let's go." she told todoroki. todoroki look at her in confusion. "aren't you going to tell em to head back?" he ask as they turned to run back to the area.

"would you have listened?" she deadpanned.

todoroki didn't answer, but a thought went through his mind. 'maybe. you voice just now was kinda scary.'

midoriya ran.

he ran and ran back to the plaza.

'i have to help all might! there are so many things you still have to teach me!'

unfortunately for midoriya, he was stopped in his pursuit by kurogiri. he shook his head in disappointment. "how foolish of you."

"DEKU! GET OUT OF HERE!" bakugo screamed, sneak attacking on kurogiri. and it worked. as kurogiri was pinned down by the teen, the warp gate that he had opened to let the nomu pass through the ground closed, leaving his stuck in the ground.

kirishma attempted to land an attack on shigaraki, but he dodged it. todoroki froze the nomu yet again, losening the grip of the nomu allowing for all might to escape.

shigaraki laughed manically. "you got our only form of escape! but did you think you can win? nomu. take out the explosive brat. we need our escape route back."

the nomu stood up, his body ripping in half as it let out a cry as its muscles formed back.

eiko was shocked. was the nomu really a demon? but it felt like a human? it didn't matter anymore. she now had the duty of slaying it. killing a demon like creature.

the nomu launched straight for bakugo and eiko breathed.

"kacchan!" midoriya screamed in fear and dread, until he noticed that bakugo was standing right next to him. "you dodged that...? how!?"


the dust cleared and there stood eiko, glaring at the nomu and shigaraki. "wow, attacking innocent kids now are we?"

everyone stared at her in shock.

'she moved that fast?' all might thought. 'even i couldn't react that fast!'

"nomu! capture her. she would be a great addition to the league of villians!" shigaraki commanded as kurogiri reappeared beside him.

"moon breathing, fifth form: moon spirit calamitous eddy." eiko jumped, leading the nomu away from the rest of them before releasing a vortex of cresent moon blades from her previously hidden sword. the nomu shrieked as it's body couldn't keep up with the quick slashes, unable to regenerate.

eiko smirked. with the knowledge of fighting demons, she knew that every being that could regenerate had a limit. so she diced the nomu up like minced meat.

with every form she performed, the nomu got cut up into more pieces until it couldn't regenerate anymore, and eiko jumped away, not tounching any of the nomu's cut up body parts and sheathed her sword, before going to help support all might.

"you- you cheater!" shigaraki raged as he went straight for eiko, all 5 finger out ready to disintegrate her. but she just moved away and shigaraki soon fell, holding his hand in pain.

"sorry everyone, we're a little late." snipe said as his gun was aimed at shigaraki with smoke coming out. "we brought everyone we could."

'a little?!' eiko stared at him as he fired a few more bullets, a few more at shigaraki and a few at the different zones.

"kurogiri, it's time to retreat. i might've failed now, but next time we meet, you're dead all might."

the villians disappeared and the heros could only stand there.

a crow flew high above them cawing and eiko sighed. they headed back to the entrance.

everyone checked on each other and a crow landed on eiko's shoulder. "ah, shiyo, how have you been? haven't seen you in a few days." she pulled out some of shiyo's favourite seeds and fed him. "report to oyakata sama asap!" she nodded.

detective tsukauchi made sure everyone was alright and did a headcount as the police officers went into the usj to arrest the knocked out villians.

"detective! we've got a report! a cut up villian was found on the floor, he's here in the box!" a police officer held out a box of cut up nomu parts, it's head on top and its eyes wide open.

"ah, bakugo, there's the nomu." kirishma said, pointing at it. they explained everything about the nomu to the detective, quirk and all and how it was cut up before the students were sent back to yuuei.

the air of the bus ride back to yuuei was heavy. everyone was still in shock as they talked about where they were.

the students were given the rest of the day and the next off and were dismissed. as soon as they were dismissed, eiko ran out of the school, bag swung over one shoulder, shiyo standing with great balance on the other.

the other students looked at her in shock.

"tokito- and she's gone."

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