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question of the chapter:: 

what mobile games do you play?

i play brawl stars, mobile legends(ocassionally) and project sekai :)

also, merry chirstmas eve!

thank you for reading and have a nice day/night!!

18 : infinity fortress

eiko dashed down the hallway of the unfamiliar place. up, down, left, and right we all covered in various doors and walls, mixing up thier sense of direction.

kanao and eiko soon reached the end of the corridoor with a right and left path. without hesitation, they each turned to the path that was calling their name, kanao turning right and eiko turning left. 

with good luck parting words and the promise to stay alive to the best of their abilities, the 2 best friends parted.

eiko turned left, down another corridor, foot steps light, slashing at the demons that appeared. 

'the sound of swords!' she thought as she skidded to stop infront of a door and slid it open forcefully. 'mist! muichirou mist be here!'

she saw a tall demon with red hair swing his sword, stance familkar, until she realised.

'the first form of moon breathing!' she thought, jumping in and combating the crescent blades with her own.

"moon breathing, second form: pearl flower moongazing!" 

while she did manage to pull muichirou away from the demon, he ended up losing a few fingers on his left hand, the blood splattering out onto the floor. 

"oh?" kokushibo turned his head around and the intervention, not really surprised that his attack was blocked, but at something else. "another moon breath user?"

eiko felt her blood go cold, goosebumps on her body appearing.

"moon breathing, seventh form: mirror of misfortune, moonlit!" eiko jumped up and directed the attack straight at kokushibo. muichirou followed suit with a low attack, using the fourth form of mist breathing. 

kokushibo deflected with his own crescent blades sent to the two cousins.

form after form of mist and moon breathing was dished out in the fight between the three, the two cousins using having perfect coordination since eiko and muichirou both trained together for the past few years, perfecting their techniques together, and working together as a team since they were frequently sent on missions together. 

"you guys are the best coordinated hashira i've faced in the past fee centuries...and i've faced many hashiras, including the previous moon and mist hashira." kokushibo said with sheathing his sword, the two cousins standing futrther away from him, but still facing him, swords raised ready to attack. eiko and muichirou's eyes widened. 

"they died to blood loss sadly." 

eiko recalled the reason for her parents death.

blood loss...

died in a fight against upper moon 1...

" long have you been upper one?" she asked unsteadily, hyperventilating slightly.

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