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question of the chapter! ;))

who's your favourite music artist/group/band?

i like itzy and mamamoo and  i hop around different artists a lot too :p

also, thank you for all the support on this book! i really appreciate every vote and comment and it makes my day :)

have a great day/night and i hope you enjoy this chapter!!


10 : the 3 teachers

the day after the exams, eiko was called to the ubuyashiki estate by shiyo.

shiyo landed on her shoulder with a loud caw, drawing the attention to eiko as they were all walking back to yuuei's main campus.

shiyo then noticed the stares of everyone and whispered silently to eiko, "report to oyakata sama at 5.30pm!"

eiko nodded slightly, checking the time as her classmates came up to her.

it was 3.30 so she had 2 hours.

"how'd you do that?" tokoyami asked starry eyed. "could you teach me?"

"uhh there's no specific way?" eiko said. their assigned kasugai crows usually followed them around, ocasionally going off to deliver messages or get messages.

"but maybe i could get him to perch on your shoulder or a while...?" eiko gave shiyo a look.

shiyo got the message and flew up, but halfway through let out a loud caw and landed back on eiko's shoulder.

eiko shot him another look.

tokoyami's eyes dropped as looked visible sad that he was rejected by his own kind but another crow soon landed on his shoulder.

shiyo cawed, which eiko understood as a "tch, isn't this way better?"

tokoyami smiled as he began to introduce dark shawdow to the bird and the crow to dark shadow, the class going up to look at eiko and tokoyami's crows, all while heading back to yuuei.

the crow stayed perched on tokoyami's shoulder the whole time.

it was now 5.25pm, and eiko had arrived at the ubuyashiki estate, seeing her 3 of her fellow pillars and kanao there already.

they greeted each other and headed in together.

"greetings, oyakata sama." all 5 of them bowed to their master.

"hello, my children, please sit. we're here to discuss about yuuei's summer camp, which eiko and kanao will attend with their respective classes to protect them. you 3 hashiras are also invited to go along to train the students."

the 3 hashiras looked concerned. was their organisation exposed to much more people now?

"fear not, the corps has not been made known to more people than necessary. you have been invited to train the students as specialised task underground heros by the principal himself."

the air in the room dropped.

"and i sense that somethung bad will happen as this camp, especially to class 1A. your job in to protect the classes and make sure no one gets killed. you will also participate under the 3 of them to blend in, but they will make it more difficult for you." he looked at eiko and kanao.

"you 3 will train them in the morning to afternoon, and one of you will stay the night will the other 2 return to their assigned patrol areas at night, and return the next morning to train them again."

the 5 nodded and were soon dismissed to plan out the training.

"i'm going to beat those students up with the training so much that they won't be able to stand and train the next day!" sanemi exclaimed as soon as they left the ubuyashiki estate to go to the butterfly mansion to discuss.

"ara ara, shinazugawa, i don't think we should go to hard on them on the first day. maybe we'll increase the intensity as the days go by?" shinobu said.

"..." giyuu didn't say anything.

eiko looked at the weird combination of her fellow hashira chosen.

sanemi: the scary i'm-gonna-kill-you-with-training one

shinobu: the calm yet scary when pissed one

giyuu : the emotionless one

out of 3 of them, only one probably had teaching experience.

shinobu was probably there to balance out the dynamic, stop fights between them and make sure the students aren't scared by the 2.

"i heard obanai was considered instead of shinobu." shiyo softly cawed into eiko's ear.

eiko couldn't imagine what it would be like if obanai had been sent instead of shinobu.

she shivered at the thought of the disaster it would bring.


the next day, eiko entered the classroom to mina, kaminari, kirishima and sato crying, and an awkward midoriya trying to comsole them.

she ignored them, knowing the bell was going to ring and hearing the sound of aizawa's footsteps in the distance.

aizawa soon entered, looking done with the class.

"about your exams..." he started and trailed off for suspense. "i hate to say some failed....hence,"

"EVERYBODY'S GOING TO THE FOREST LODGE!" he exclaimed, unlike his usual self, a crazed look on his face the students never seen before, but didn't care as they celebrated.

"pass these down. they're the lodge guides and the packing list."

once everyone settled down, "i'll return the papers now, from highest to lowest."

"first in class, tokito. tied with yaoyorozu for highest in written papers, and highest for the practical exam." eiko stood up to get her papers, a perfect score on each one with an analysis sheet in her practical exam.

she smiled at the scores before noticing the 'no visible weakness' on her analysis sheet. 'no visible weaknesses, that's good but...this is from a human's point of view. what about the more powerful demons?' she frowned. 'i have to train more. i can't let them exploit my weaknesses. they have crazy intelligent minds.'

her frowning face was noticed my a few around her.

'she got first, why is she frowning? i would be jumping for joy!' kaminari thought.

'and those minds they use for evil, to kill.' eiko continued with her train of thoughts, an angry smile overtaking her face.

'dies she have super strict parents who have high expectations?' momo wobdered as the frown on eiko's face became more apparant before it was was replaced by an angry smile for a smile second, going back to her expressionless face.

aizawa continued to pass down the papers, the class ranking differing a little from the mid terms', but everyone was glad they pass the written, throwing their thanks to momo for helping them.

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