the end

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hello everyone!!

welcome to the end of this book.

if you've made it here, thank you so much! 

thank you all for the support on this book, it was really fun to write this! the votes and comments really kept me motivated to write and the comments left by everyone were really fun to read as well. this is my first fanfic, and i'm glad that the writing process was really enjoyable, thanks to everyone's support!! :))

i'm especially thankful to those who were here from the start of this book, and for those who waited for the updates! 

i might also publish special chapters :> who knows? (i probably will) and maybe another knyxbnha ff might be already in my drafts....?

oh, and i will be editing the chapters along the way.

feel free to ask questions about parts of the story that need clarification!

once again, thank you for all the support on this book and have a great day/night! 


— weolheee

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 26 ⏰

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