Saw That Coming

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"Follow me!" Blake said as he yanked my hand. I tried my best to catch up to him with the terrible pain in my legs from the poison-laced bullet. He would've let me just die on other days, but he was scared I would rat them out if I were captured.

"Aspen!" Tamsyn shook me awake from that terrible flashback. I smiled at her apologetically, but not before I saw Everett's slightly confused expression.

"Sorry, I just blanked out for a second," I said to him while looking down. He smiled at me and continued walking.

"So this is Tamsyn's room, and the two across from it are Ashton's and Aspen's," he said pointing at the doors. I froze and looked at him with a slightly scared expression.

"W-wait...we can't be together?" I asked, my voice shaking.

"I mean, y'all can totally spend as much time as you want together, your rooms are just for some alone time and when you have to go to sleep," he said matter-of-factly, as if there was no other option. I have never slept away from my siblings other than...those times. I didn't even realize I was shaking until Ashton spoke up.

"Is there no way we can sleep in the same room?" he asked softly.

"You guys are not at the age to be sleeping together anymore. You will be sleeping in your separate rooms," a cold and powerful voice boomed from behind us. I twitched because it startled me and then quickly turned around to come face-to-face with Theodore and Ezekiel trailing behind him. I gulped and tugged at Tamsyn's sleeve.

"Look at her acting like a five-year-old who can't even sleep alone," Ezekiel scoffed as he rolled his eyes. Before I could say anything, he looked at Ashton.

"You too, I would've expected more from a Fontana son," he said with hatred as he walked off.

Tamsyn POV

No one talks to my little siblings like that. Before Ezekiel could walk away, I grabbed his arm and turned him around to me.

"Don't you dare talk to my siblings like that," I said in a low whisper, daring him to say something back.

"Well, what are you gonna do about it, huh?" he said smugly. Respect. It goes both ways. I kept repeating it in my head like a mantra in an attempt not to start a fight with this guy. But then he lost my respect. He shook my hand off and muttered, "unwanted b**h," under his breath.

I turned him around and did the first thing that came to my mind. I pushed him. It wasn't a hard push, but I think he was too surprised to react so he went crashing into the wall.

"Hey! So that's how you want to play this!?" He growled and got up in my face. There was nothing but anger and hatred in his voice. "How dare you talk back to me in this house which is barely even yours, because your nice little mama took you to have a better life away from us? Not to mention those other two kids. They're just strangers here. Sure, we were looking for you, Tamsyn, but those two? Those two were just a mistake." He said, venom dripping from each letter.

"EZEKIEL! GO TO YOUR ROOM NOW!" Francesco's voice boomed from behind us.

Aspen POV

Those two were just a mistake. A mistake. Mistake. Ezekiel was right. We were a mistake. Mom didn't even know she was pregnant with us until after she left. She must've been heartbroken about it too. Imagine having two more children with the man she just left. I hated this feeling. After Francesco told Ezekiel to go to his room, all three of us shut ourselves in Tamsyn's room, not wanting to face everyone else.

"You're not weak; you know that, right?" Tamsyn said, looking at Ashton. He gave her a lopsided grin. A grin only we have ever seen because he's never himself in front of anyone else. Seeing him smile, made me smile, which made Tamsyn smile, and I could just feel the presence of mom smiling too.

"Yea duh, they don't call me the little devil for no reason," he said, rolling his eyes. I started feeling better, but I still couldn't settle the terrible feeling I had in the pit of my stomach. And that nasty gash wasn't helping one bit. I bit my tongue so that I didn't make a noise when I ran my hand over it.

Third POV

"Ezekiel, what the hell was that!?" Francesco yelled at the boy. The rest of the brothers were also gathered in their dad's office with knowing looks.

"What do you mean? You know very well we were doing just fine without them," Ezekiel practically hissed.

"You know I'm not going to tolerate this behavior," Francesco said through gritted teeth. Ezekiel rolled his eyes before responding.

"C'mon, don't act like you suddenly love those strangers."

"They are my children."

"Yeah, pathetic excuses for your children. Do you not realize how weak they are?"

"Give. Me. Your. Phone. You're grounded for a week."

Ezekiel scoffed and gave his phone to his dad. He saw it coming.

"You should be lucky you're getting off so easy," Theodore told his younger brother. 

Hope you guys liked this chapter!


Day Lilac 

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