1st Day of School

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Third POV

Thankfully, Everett left the room right after delivering the message, so he didn't see the breakdown all three of them almost had. 'The office' never meant anything good.

Tamsyn POV

We knocked on the door and went in when we heard a "come in!" from the inside. It had a very simplistic and modern look, much different than 'the office' we were used to.

"Why do you guys look like you've seen a ghost? You're not in trouble," Theodore said as he observed us. We quickly regained our composure and listened to what they had to say.

"Okay, there are a couple of rules you three have, especially since you'll be starting school on Monday. First rule is respect. You will respect us, and we will respect you. Second rule, no lies. We accept the truth and the truth only. Third rule, no dating. You may have friends of the opposite gender, but I expect there to be firm boundaries. Fourth rule, you're not to ever go in the basement," Theodore finished. I shuddered at the mention of the basement. I'm glad we're not allowed to go there, it means we'll never be taken there.

After being told the rules, Theodore told Everett to help us figure out what we needed to for school and get everything ready. It was only Saturday, but I knew that all three of us would be too anxious to be doing anything productive tomorrow.

Everett told us all we needed was a notebook and pencil. Ashton took that to heart and packed just that. Aspen and I explored the world of pencil pouches. I was specifically fascinated by all the different types of highlighters, pens, and pencils we can put in it.

~timeskip - morning of the first day of school~

Tamsyn POV

Somehow, the first day of school got me more nervous than I would be when I was on a mission to end someone's life. I woke up an hour before I had to and just stared at the ceiling before my alarm started ringing. I quickly shook my siblings awake, and we started getting ready. When we went downstairs, there were pancakes and mango juice ready for all three of us, and I looked around to see Ezekiel and Everett on the couch, looking like they were about to go back to sleep.

"Um, aren't you guys going to eat?" I asked quietly.

"Nah, we're used to not eating breakfast at home," Everett said as he yawned.

"So who made this?" I asked again.

"Seb did, and then he went to finish getting ready," he said. I smiled to myself and started eating.

The car ride to school was quiet, but I could almost hear my nerves churning inside of me. Aspen and Ashton were starting as freshmen, and I was starting as a junior, while the twins were seniors. I was a little sad about the fact that I wouldn't have anyone I know with me, and I felt even worse when I learned that there was Lunch A and B. Aspen and Ashton, along with Ezekiel, had Lunch A, while I had Lunch B with Everett. I was secretly glad I at least had Everett, but I knew that he had his own friends, and we probably wouldn't even cross paths.

After we parked and got out of the car, Everett and Ezekiel were immediately swarmed with a bunch of other kids that seemed like what people would call 'jocks.' Sebastian was followed by two beautiful girls with long blonde hair and clothes that were barely covering anything. He didn't seem to mind and even smiled at them.

Ashton, Aspen, and I went to the main office together to get our schedules. I looked at the lady at the desk and smiled at her, trying to get on her good side.

"Hi, we're new and here to get our schedules?" I said, sounding more like a question at the end.

"Ok! Can I have your last names?" She asked warmly.

"Uh, Fontana," I bit my tongue before I said 'I think". I still wasn't used to that last name, partially because I don't feel like a Fontana per se. The lady's eyes widened at my words and nodded immediately as she searched for our papers. She quickly handed them to us and subtly shooed us away as if she couldn't bear to have us in her office any longer.

"Look! Ashton and I have all of our classes together except Math!" Aspen said as we were walking to our first-period class. I smiled at them warmly, ignoring the sadness in my heart that I would be separated from them for the entire day. I walked them to their class and squeezed their hands before making the way to mine.

I got to my class early and picked the table at the very end, where no one was sitting yet. My head snapped to the door when I heard loud voices laughing. Two tall boys, probably as tall as Everett and Ezekiel, walked in as all the girls' attention focused on them. They lazily pulled out the chairs of the table in front of mine and sat on the side where their backs were facing me. I sighed in relief for the fact that I wouldn't have to face them every day. Don't get me wrong, they were insanely good-looking and all, but from the looks of the other girls, I don't know if I wanted to involve myself in that mess. As I was racking my brain about that situation, I almost didn't notice another boy and two girls walking up to my table.

"Hey, mind if we sit here?" the boy asked but didn't wait for me to answer as he pulled out the chair in front of me, effectively blocking my view of the two pretty boys.

"Hey! That was rude!" One of the girls said as she slapped the boy on the arm. He just rolled his eyes and focused his attention on his phone. The girl rolled her eyes, mesmerizing eyes, might I add, and smiled at me apologetically.

"So is it ok?" the other girl standing next to her asked.

"Oh y-yea, sorry I blanked for a second," I quickly said, moving a little so that they had more space to occupy the table. They both smiled at me and murmured small thank yous.

"So my name is Alina!" the girl with the pretty eyes said. They were a shade of green and especially popped because of her tan skin. She had long, wavy brown hair that was braided in a French braid.

"I'm Rosie," the other girl who had her black hair in a wolf-cut said.

"I'm Tamsyn," I said softly. I looked in front of me and was met with the boy's piercing blue eyes.

"Are you new?" He asked. I nodded and looked back at the girls. They looked at me with curious glances. Oh shit. I forgot to come up with a backstory. I bit my lips before smiling again. It's okay, lying is my forte.

"I just moved here," I said softly and let my eyes look down while I purposefully tensed my shoulders to give off the impression that it's not something I want to talk about. I just wasn't in the mood to explain anything, and I'm sure the twins wouldn't want anyone to know they have such a pathetic sister like me.

They got the 'hint', and our teacher soon distracted us. 

What do y'all think so far? It would mean a lot to me if y'all voted!!


Day Lilac

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