The Flashback

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Third POV

"Hey, dad and Theodore want you guys in Theo's office right now," Everett said after entering Tamsyn's room.


Tamsyn POV

"In my office. Now," Blake said sternly. Aspen and I limped our way to the 'office' and awaited our punishment. Our last mission wasn't a failure. We never fail. But one of Blake's ace men was captured and it was because of us. His name was Cam, and honestly, I was a bit disappointed in myself too. We were in the middle of ruining a drug and weapon deal between two of the biggest mafias in the world. Although we succeeded, we ended up being caught while we were trying to flee the scene. The gun was aimed at me, but Cam pushed me out of the way and in return was nicked by the bullet himself. I tried to help him, but he ordered me to run and not look back. I don't know why he did it.

"Take off your clothes," I heard him say. I widened my eyes as I realized he was talking to Aspen.

"NO! I'll do it! Please, it was my fault!" I begged as I ran to Aspen. He grabbed a fist full of my hair and aggressively pushed me to the floor.

"As if, that would be letting you off easy, sweetie-pie," he said, grinning. "Alright, Aspen. Take them off. Right. Now," he said, emphasizing every word. I got up again and put my hands in front of her, trying to cover her from his view. He just smirked and punched me in the stomach. When I got up again, he punched me again.

"Tammie, no, i-it's ok," I heard Aspen's weak voice say from behind. "Please, I don't want you to get hurt," her voice broke me. Suddenly, Blake grabbed my shirt and ripped it off me. At this, Aspen ran to me and grabbed my hands in fear. Blake looked down at us and pulled me up and away from her grasp. He trailed his fingers from my waist up to my chest and then took a knife out of his pocket. Without wasting a second, he turned me so my back faced him and started cutting my back. It was in no specific order of pattern, but it hurt the same. I toned out Aspen's screams as I tried my best not to fall unconscious. At one point, I was thrown to the floor, while my blood was pooling around me. As my vision started to blur, I saw Blake pulling Aspen up from the ground and putting his gross hands all over her body. I willed myself to stay awake, but my body failed me, and I slipped out of consciousness.

Ashton's POV from that time

When I woke up, Aspen and Tamsyn were both nowhere to be seen. Worriedly, I looked around to find mom slumped against the wall in our 'room,' which was actually the basement, her lifeless eyes staring at the wall.

"Mama, where's Aspen and Tammie?" I asked her as gently as I could. She looked at me with eyes full of pain and regret.

"With Blake,"

I didn't waste a second to zoom to the 'office' cursing under my breath. When I got there, the door was shut and locked. When I got closer, my heart sank as I heard Aspen's voice.

"Please, please, please don't do it. I beg you, please," her shaky voice begged.

"Funny you think I'll listen to you, little whore. You should be happy that one even wants to look at you with your ugly face and scar-stricken body. You should be happy at least I can enjoy this body of yours," Blake said. I couldn't take it anymore. My sister.

"NO!" I yelled as I banged on the door. "LET HER GO YOU MONSTER!" I just heard a low chuckle from the other side and Aspen's little voice calling out to me.

"Let's start, shall we?" I hear Blake say. The blood in my body runs cold as I try slamming my body into the door, trying to make it budge. I banged on the door, kicked the door, and body-slammed it. Either it was made of iron, or I was just that weak. With every scream, sob, and whimper from Aspen, I kicked the door harder and harder with tears gathering in my eyes. Finally, after what felt like hours, Blake opened the door and looked at me with a smirk. His pants were undone and he was putting his shirt back on. I didn't feel like myself. I lunged at him. To say he was surprised was an understatement. I never went against him. I barely even talked back to him. But this was too much. This was my sister, who was still a baby. I knew I was a better fighter than him, and he knew it too, but what stopped me was Aspen's weak whimpers, and I suddenly remembered I had more important things to do. I pushed Blake away and went into the office, shutting the door behind me. I rushed to Aspen and wrapped my arms around her body. Her sobs slowly got louder, and she clung on to me as if her life depended on it. It killed me to see her like this. I scanned the room, and my eyes fell on Tamsyn's limp body with a pool of blood surrounding her in the corner of the room. I quickly covered Aspen with my jacket and laid her against the wall so that I could go see Tamsyn.

I was almost scared to check her pulse. Thankfully, her heart was still beating strong, but she lost way too much blood. I quickly applied pressure on her wounds and wrapped it with a piece of cloth. She groaned and tried opening her eyes, but I swiftly closed her eyes again.

"No, it's okay. You need to rest," I murmured to her, partially just not wanting her to see Aspen.

"B-but A-aspen," she barely croaked out. I shushed her, telling her that everything is okay.

Everything was not ok.

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Day Lilac

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